Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Freight transportation demand elasticities: A geographic multimodal transportation network analysis
This paper presents direct and cross-elasticity estimates of the demands for three...
Regulation and efficiency: The case of European railways
During the long period of regulation of the railway system in Europe...
Simultaneous locomotive and car assignment at VIA Rail Canada
In this paper, we present a sophisticated model and a heuristic solution approach...
Privatization and productivity improvement: The case of Canadian National
This paper analyzes how privatization can influence the efficiency of a firm's...
Bus maintenance systems and maintenance scheduling: Model formulations and solutions
This paper deals with the problem of scheduling bus maintenance activities. The...
Independent driving pattern factors and their influence on fuel-use and exhaust emission factors
This study is aimed at finding independent measures to describe the dimensions of...
Clear zone requirements based on horizontal sight distance considerations
This paper demonstrates how to approximate the boundary of the clear zone adjacent to...
Spatial graduation of fuel taxes; consequences for cross-border and domestic fuelling
Substantial differences exist among fuel taxes between various countries. These...
Joint models of attitudes and behavior in evaluation of the San Diego I-15 congestion pricing project
Understanding attitudes held by the public about the acceptability, fairness, and...
An integrated model of facility location and transportation network design
Network location models have been used extensively for siting public and private...
The influence of land use on travel behavior: Specification and estimation strategies
While the relationship between urban form and travel behavior is a key element of many...
New approach for developing warrants of protected left-turn phase at signalized intersections
The research embodied in this paper presents a new approach for the development of...
Uncertain socioeconomic projections used in travel demand and emissions models: Could plausible errors result in air quality nonconformity?
A sensitivity analysis of plausible errors in population, employment, fuel price, and...
Impacts of highway congestion on freight operations: Perceptions of trucking industry managers
To better understand how road congestion adversely affects trucking operations, we...
Productivity growth in European railways: A new approach
The paper develops a model to represent the cost structure of European railways based...
Multi-regime arrival rate uniform delay models for signalized intersections
This paper presents the development and validation of uniform delay models for...
Remaking transportation organizations for the 21st century: Consortia and the value of organizational learning
The US faces a number of important issues in the way it organizes and manages...
Dynamic network traffic control
This study developed a dynamic traffic control formulation desginated as dynamic...
Incident dispatching, clearance and delay
This paper models response times and delays for highway incidents, accounting for...
Neural network modeling of vehicle discharge headway at signalized intersection: Model descriptions and results
Vehicle discharge headway at signalized intersections is of great importance in...
Spatial structure and mobility
The aim of this paper is to contribute to a clearer understanding of the extent to...
Optimal three-dimensional layout of industrial facilities
Facilities layout is concerned with the spatial arrangement of a set of departments or...
A model for calculating optimal vertical alignments of interchanges
In this paper we propose a model to calculate an optimal vertical alignment of an...
A direct redistribution model of congestion pricing
This paper discusses a direct redistribution approach to congestion pricing in which...
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