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Seasonality patterns in dry bulk shipping spot and time charter freight rates
Kavussanos Manolis G.
This paper investigates the nature of seasonality (deterministic and/or stochastic) in...
Cost structures of public transit systems: A panel data analysis
McCarthy Patrick
Results from numerous cost studies have generated conflicting results on public...
Total factor productivity decomposition, input price inefficiencies, and public transit systems
Obeng K.
This paper decomposes the rate of growth of total factor productivity (TFP) in public...
Estimation of Swiss railway demand with computation of elasticities
Rolle Jean-Daniel
We adapt the ‘Almost Ideal Demand System’ (AIDS) from consumer expenditure...
Do speed bumps really decrease traffic speed? An Italian experience
Pau Massimiliano
Italy introduced the extensive use of speed bumps only in 1990, in an attempt to limit...
Drivers' biased perceptions of speed and safety campaign messages
Walton D.
One hundred and thirteen drivers were surveyed for their perceptions of driving speed...
Explaining national road fatalities
Bester Christo J.
The purpose of this paper is to report on a model that can be used to explain the...
Costs of alcohol-related crashes: New Zealand estimates and suggested measures for use internationally
Miller Ted R.
This paper presents policy-oriented measures of alcohol-related crash incidence and...
Journey time estimation using single inductive loop detectors on non-signalised links
McDonald M.
This paper describes two techniques designed to estimate vehicle journey times on...
Fleet configuration subject to stochastic demand: An application in the distribution of liquefied petroleum gas
Singer M.
We study the problem of configuring a fleet, in which vehicles receive information...
A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part I: Long homogeneous freeway sections
Daganzo Carlos F.
This paper proposes a macroscopic behavioral theory of traffic dynamics for...
A behavioral theory of multi-lane traffic flow. Part II: Merges and the onset of congestion
Daganzo Carlos F.
This paper examines the behavior of multi-lane freeway traffic past on-ramps, building...
A continuous-time model of departure time choice for urban shopping trips
Bhat Chandra R.
This paper proposes a continuous-time hazard duration model for urban shopping trip...
A reserve capacity model of optimal signal control with user-equilibrium route choice
Gao Ziyou
In this paper, we combine the concept of reserve capacity with the continuous...
Traffic subflow estimation and bootstrap analysis from filtered counts
Hjorth Urban
Traffic flow counts at different places are dependent due to vehicles travelling...
A new continuum model for traffic flow and numerical tests
Wu Qing-Song
A new continuum traffic flow model is developed in this paper based on an improved...
A multiclass, multicriteria traffic network equilibrium model with elastic demand
Nagurney Anna
In this paper, we develop a multiclass, multicriteria traffic network equilibrium...
Road network toll pricing and social welfare
Ferrari Paolo
The construction and maintenance costs of a road network can be financed in part...
A real-time decision support system for roadway network incident response logistics
Zografos Konstantinos G.
Incident-related congestion is a serious problem of great concern for most...
An alternative accident prediction model for highway–rail interfaces
Carson Jodi L.
Safety levels at highway–rail interfaces continue to be of major concern despite...
Predicting seat belt use in fatal motor vehicle crashes from observation surveys of belt use
Salzberg Philip
There is a large difference between the rates of observed seat belt use by the general...
Impact of roadside features on the frequency and severity of run-off-roadway accidents: An empirical analysis
Mannering Fred
In the US, single-vehicle run-off-roadway accidents result in a million highway...
Generalised linear accident models and goodness of fit testing
Wood G.R.
This paper has two aims. The primary aim is to provide a practical resolution of the...
Evaluation of a program to motivate impaired driving offenders to install ignition interlocks
Marques Paul R.
Approximately 30,000 alcohol ignition interlocks, which are designed to prevent the...
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