Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
Improving short-term conflict alert via tabu search
In this paper we describe some work carried out by National Air Traffic Services in...
Revenue impacts of fare input and demand forecast accuracy in airline yield management
Most airline yield management seat allocation models require inputs of the expected...
A multicriteria decision support methodology for evaluating airport expansion plans
Rational decision-making requires an assessment of advantages and disadvantages of...
Environmental charges in airline markets
Over the last two decades many airline markets have been deregulated, resulting in...
Airline deregulation and the impact on stock prices of major surviving carriers
This paper examines the effects of deregulation on stock price movements for the major...
The effects of airline alliances on markets and economic welfare
Recently, major airlines have been extending their service networks via strategic...
Liberalising competition in domestic airline markets in Asia – The problematic interface between domestic and international regulatory policies
This paper examines how governments in Asia are changing the way they regulate their...
An empirical analysis of the optimal overbooking policies for US major airlines
Overbooking in the airline industry has been studied intensively. However, these...
Measuring the economic effects of bilateral liberalization air transport
This paper develops a model that measures the equilibrium changes and welfare...
A model of air cargo liberalization: Passenger vs. all-cargo carriers
This paper employs a multi-market oligopoly model to examine the effect of cargo...
Domestic airline concentration: A positive strategic trade analysis
This study questions the applicability of strategic trade theory to the world airline...
New airline entry rates in deregulated air transport markets
This paper studies the influencing factors on entry (certification) of new airlines...
Optimizing and assigning price levels for air traffic management
Pricing policies could encourage airline companies to modify departure times and...
How do carriers price connecting flights? Evidence from intercontinental flights from Europe
In civil aviation, hub-and-spoke (HS) networks are used by all large carriers. The...
Airline demand distributions: Passenger revenue management and spill
Both revenue management and airline schedule optimization need to characterize the...
Modelling of aircraft rotation in a multiple airport environment
The objective of this paper is to develop a simulation model to simulate aircraft...
Specification and estimation of the nested logit model: Alternative normalisations
The nested logit model is currently the preferred extension to the simple multinomial...
A rule-based real-time traffic responsive signal control system with transit priority: Application to an isolated intersection
Previous experience has shown that real-time, traffic-responsive signal control has...
Activity pattern similarity: A multidimensional sequence alignment method
The classification of activity patterns is an important research topic in activity...
A continuum theory for the flow of pedestrians
The equations of motion governing the two-dimensional flow of pedestrians are derived...
The spatial analysis of activity stop generation
Travel demand analysis is intrinsically spatial; yet spatial analysis considerations...
A review of the evidence for induced travel and changes in transportation and environmental policy in the US and the UK
This paper reviews recent research into the demand inducing effects of new...
Built environments and mode choice: Toward a normative framework
Compact, mixed-use, and walk-friendly urban development, many contend, can...
A study on the estimation and aggregation of disaggregate models of mode choice for freight transport
The literature on modal choice analysis of freight transport has revealed that the...
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