Article ID: | iaor20042699 |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Volume: | 10 |
Issue: | 5 |
Start Page Number: | 499 |
End Page Number: | 513 |
Publication Date: | Sep 2003 |
Journal: | International Transactions in Operational Research |
Authors: | McDill M.E., Rebain S. |
Harvest scheduling models often include maximum harvest opening size constraints, a restriction generally imposed for legal and policy reasons. The maximum harvest opening size restriction can greatly affect the spatial layout of the forest, with the dispersed harvesting increasing forest fragmentation. Because they can offset the negative impacts of maximum harvest opening size constraints, mature patch size constraints, which require a certain amount of the forest to be in patches meeting both minimum size and age requirements, have also been included in these models. This paper looks at the economic and spatial effects of ten harvest scheduling formulations with these two constraint sets on 21 hypothetical forest landscapes. Analyses of their age-class distributions, border distributions, and patch size distributions at the end of a 60-year planning horizon confirm that maximum harvest opening size constraints tend to fragment forest landscapes and that mature patch constraints significantly reduce these effects.