Country: United Kingdom

Found 17295 papers in total
An interactive procedure dedicated to a bicriteria plant location model
In this paper a new algorithm is described which aims at solving efficiently a simple...
Budget constrained location problem with opening and closing of facilities
In this paper, we study a budget constrained location problem in which simultaneously...
Semi-obnoxious single facility location in Euclidean space
This paper deals with the problem of determining within a bounded region the location...
Heterogenous selection genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems
This paper proposes a genetic algorithm, called the heterogeneous selection genetic...
Incorporating the potential for human error in maintenance models
The mathematics of delay-time modelling of inspection maintenance is extended to...
The business model concept: theoretical underpinnings and empirical illustrations
The business model concept is becoming increasingly popular within IS, management and...
Using minimal cuts to study the system capacity for a stochastic-flow network in two-commodity case
Traditionally, the flow network is assumed to allow a single type of commodity to...
Modeling use of enterprise resource planning systems: a path analytic study
In this research, we evaluated user participation and involvement in the context of...
Inverse nonlinear multicommodity flow optimization by column generation
We present a solution algorithm for an inverse nonlinear multicommodity network flow...
Development of a measure for the information technology infrastructure construct
The goal of this research was to operationalize the information technology...
Small and medium-sized enterprises: co-opetition and knowledge sharing: the role of information systems
Co-opetition, simultaneous cooperation and competition, is a recent phenomenon....
Rethinking competence systems for knowledge-based organizations
Existing competence systems are based on a rationalistic view of competence. While...
Data processing and feature screening in function approximation: an application to neural networks
Some topics related to scattered data approximation and function approximation by...
Electronic business adoption by European firms: a cross-country assessment of the facilitators and inhibitors
In this study, we developed a conceptual model for studying the adoption of electronic...
Neural network pruning applied to real exchange rate analysis
Neural networks are fitted to real exchange rates of several industrialized countries....
Managing e-transformation in the public sector: an e-government study of the Inland Revenue Authority in Singapore
Continuous organizational transformation is becoming a common phenomenon as public...
Assessing the benefits from e-business transformation through effective enterprise management
This paper reports on research carried out in 1999–2001 on the use of e-business...
The knowledge-creating theory revisited: knowledge creation as a synthesizing process
This paper is a part of our attempt to build a new knowledge-based theory of the firm...
Knowledge sharing in a multi-cultural setting: a case study
Organizational culture has been shown to influence the success of knowledge management...
Critical role of leadership in nurturing a knowledge-supporting culture
This paper addresses the critical role leadership plays in the implementation and...
Globally and superlinearly convergent algorithms for the solution of box-constrained optimization
Based on the identification technique of active constraints, we propose a Newton-like...
Knowledge management research & practice: visions and directions
This editorial paper outlines key directions for knowledge management research and...
Symmetric quadrature rules on a triangle
We present a class of quadrature rules on triangles in ℝ 2 which, somewhat...
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