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An interactive procedure dedicated to a bicriteria plant location model
Clmaco Joo
In this paper a new algorithm is described which aims at solving efficiently a simple...
Budget constrained location problem with opening and closing of facilities
Batta Rajan
In this paper, we study a budget constrained location problem in which simultaneously...
Semi-obnoxious single facility location in Euclidean space
Melachrinoudis Emanuel
This paper deals with the problem of determining within a bounded region the location...
Heterogenous selection genetic algorithms for traveling salesman problems
Yang Jinn-Moon
This paper proposes a genetic algorithm, called the heterogeneous selection genetic...
Incorporating the potential for human error in maintenance models
Christer A.H.
The mathematics of delay-time modelling of inspection maintenance is extended to...
The business model concept: theoretical underpinnings and empirical illustrations
Hedman Jonas
The business model concept is becoming increasingly popular within IS, management and...
Using minimal cuts to study the system capacity for a stochastic-flow network in two-commodity case
Lin Yi-Kuei
Traditionally, the flow network is assumed to allow a single type of commodity to...
Modeling use of enterprise resource planning systems: a path analytic study
Kanungo Shivraj
In this research, we evaluated user participation and involvement in the context of...
Inverse nonlinear multicommodity flow optimization by column generation
Larsson T.
We present a solution algorithm for an inverse nonlinear multicommodity network flow...
Development of a measure for the information technology infrastructure construct
Byrd Terry Anthony
The goal of this research was to operationalize the information technology...
Small and medium-sized enterprises: co-opetition and knowledge sharing: the role of information systems
Powell P.
Co-opetition, simultaneous cooperation and competition, is a recent phenomenon....
Rethinking competence systems for knowledge-based organizations
Lindgren Rikard
Existing competence systems are based on a rationalistic view of competence. While...
Using resource-based theory to interpret the successful adoption and use of information systems and technology in manufacturing small and medium-sized enterprises
Ward John M.
The purpose of this paper is to consider how resource-based theory can be used to...
Data processing and feature screening in function approximation: an application to neural networks
Cancelliere R.
Some topics related to scattered data approximation and function approximation by...
Electronic business adoption by European firms: a cross-country assessment of the facilitators and inhibitors
Kraemer Kenneth
In this study, we developed a conceptual model for studying the adoption of electronic...
Neural network pruning applied to real exchange rate analysis
Kaashoek Johan F.
Neural networks are fitted to real exchange rates of several industrialized countries....
Managing e-transformation in the public sector: an e-government study of the Inland Revenue Authority in Singapore
Pan Shan L.
Continuous organizational transformation is becoming a common phenomenon as public...
Assessing the benefits from e-business transformation through effective enterprise management
Ash Colin G.
This paper reports on research carried out in 1999–2001 on the use of e-business...
The knowledge-creating theory revisited: knowledge creation as a synthesizing process
Nonaka Ikujiro
This paper is a part of our attempt to build a new knowledge-based theory of the firm...
Knowledge sharing in a multi-cultural setting: a case study
Ford Dianne P.
Organizational culture has been shown to influence the success of knowledge management...
Critical role of leadership in nurturing a knowledge-supporting culture
Ribire Vincent M.
This paper addresses the critical role leadership plays in the implementation and...
Globally and superlinearly convergent algorithms for the solution of box-constrained optimization
Yang Yu-Fei
Based on the identification technique of active constraints, we propose a Newton-like...
Knowledge management research & practice: visions and directions
Edwards John S.
This editorial paper outlines key directions for knowledge management research and...
Symmetric quadrature rules on a triangle
Wandzura A.
We present a class of quadrature rules on triangles in ℝ 2 which, somewhat...
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