Keyword: combinatorial analysis

Found 435 papers in total
Simulation modelling and analysis of a production line
Production lines modelling has many problems that are difficult to be solved using...
Matroids Are Immune to Braess’ Paradox
The famous Braess paradox describes the counterintuitive phenomenon in which, in...
Combinatorial RNA Design: Designability and Structure-Approximating Algorithm in Watson‐Crick and Nussinov‐Jacobson Energy Models
We consider the Combinatorial RNA Design problem , a minimal instance of RNA design...
Pricing and clearing combinatorial markets with singleton and swap orders
In this article we consider combinatorial markets with valuations only for singletons...
The dependency diagram of a mixed integer linear programme
The Dependency Diagram of a Linear Programme (LP) shows how the successive...
Counting votes in coupled decisions
We consider scenarios with distributed decision processes, e.g., coupled majorities...
Optimal Learning in Linear Regression with Combinatorial Feature Selection
We present a new framework for sequential information collection in applications where...
Surjective multidimensional cellular automata are non-wandering: A combinatorial proof
A combinatorial proof that surjective D ‐dimensional CA are...
Combinatorial Aspects of Parker’s Model
Parker’s model under rare mutation is considered when there is a finite set of...
Sublinear Algorithms for Approximating String Compressibility
We raise the question of approximating the compressibility of a string with respect to...
Diameter and Broadcast Time of Random Geometric Graphs in Arbitrary Dimensions
A random geometric graph (RGG) is defined by placing n points uniformly at random in...
Analysis of the ‘Hiring Above the Median’ Selection Strategy for the Hiring Problem
This paper gives a precise mathematical analysis of the behaviour of ‘hiring...
Linear-Time Algorithms for Hole-free Rectilinear Proportional Contact Graph Representations
In a proportional contact representation of a planar graph, each vertex is represented...
Summation codes for organization of control of combinational circuits
New modular and modified binary summation codes used for organization of the control...
Practical and Efficient Split Decomposition via Graph-Labelled Trees
Split decomposition of graphs was introduced by Cunningham (under the name join...
A recovery model for combinational disruptions in logistics delivery: Considering the real-world participators
The existence of uncertainties may result in various unexpected disruption events in...
Efficiency with Linear Prices? A Game-Theoretical and Computational Analysis of the Combinatorial Clock Auction
Combinatorial auctions have been suggested as a means to raise efficiency in...
A bankruptcy approach to the core cover
In this paper we establish a relationship between the core cover of a compromise...
Static inter‐BPEL program slicing for web services
Analysis and maintenance of BPEL programs play a vital role in assuring the quality of...
Hedging against disruptions with ripple effects in location analysis
Supply systems are subject to disruptions whose impact may not remain confined, but...
Developing Responsive Rail Services through collaboration
In this paper, the problem of optimally serving one off‐loads arriving on spot...
Optimal inventory policies with non‐stationary supply disruptions and advance supply information
We consider the production/inventory problem of a manufacturer (or a retailer) under...
Cost‐saving properties of schedule coordination in a simple trunk‐and‐feeder transit system
The paper explores how the coordination of vehicle schedules in a public transit...
An Efficient Algorithm for Haplotype Inference on Pedigrees with a Small Number of Recombinants
Combinatorial (or rule‐based) methods for inferring haplotypes from genotypes...
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