Keyword: Lanchester theory and models

Found 17 papers in total
Lanchester models for mixed forces with semi-dynamical target allocation
We consider the three standard Lanchester models of warfare (aimed-fire, unaimed-fire...
The effect of battle circumstances on fitting Lanchester equations to the Battle of Kursk
A dearth of high-quality, detailed battle data has hindered the many efforts to use...
Fitting Lanchester's square law to the Ardennes Campaign
In this research, we try to improve Bracken's and Chen's work to significantly better...
The Lanchester (n, 1) problem
We discuss the background of the Lanchester ( n , 1) problem, in which a heterogeneous...
Effects of lethality in naval combat models
In the context of both discrete time salvo models and continuous time Lanchester...
An inverse problem of the Lanchester square law in estimating time-dependent attrition coefficients
This paper considers the inverse problem of estimating time-varying attrition...
Firepower concentration in cellular automaton combat models – an alternative to Lanchester
One of a new generation of combat models is examined to determine how its behaviour...
The effects of splitting exponential stochastic Lanchester battles
The Exponential Stochastic Lanchester (ESL) model of attrition is well known and can...
Attrition models of the Ardennes campaign
This paper revisits the modeling by Bracken of the Ardennes campaign of World War II...
Direct and inverse solution of the Lanchester square law with general reinforcement schedules
We present direct and inverse solutions of the Lanchester square law attrition...
The Constant Fallacy: A persistent logical flaw in applications of Lanchester's equations
A particular logical flaw is continually being made in interpretations of Lanchester's...
Attrition formulas for deterministic models of large-scale combat
This article describes attrition formulas that (a) consider area fire and point fire,...
On weapons scores and force strengths
Quantitative comparisons of the combat forces on two opposing sides are virtually...
‘The Influence of the Numerical Strength of Opposed Forces on Their Casualties’, by M. Osipov
This is an English translation of the five-part series of articles that M. Osipov...
A modified Lanchester linear process calibrated to historical data
A new formulation of Lanchester-like attrition equation is proposed. This formulation...
A fast approximation of homogeneous stochastic combat
The stochastic combat model with arbitrary interkilling time distribution is more...
A competitive advertising model: Some theoretical and empirical results
Using a modified Lanchester model, this article demonstrates that the policy of...
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