Keyword: simulation

Found 2961 papers in total
Analytical and Scalable Analysis of Transient Tandem Markovian Finite Capacity Queueing Networks
This paper proposes an analytical model to approximate the transient aggregate joint...
Cellular Automaton Model with Dynamical 2D Speed-Gap Relation
This paper proposes an improved cellular automaton traffic flow model based on the...
On the Existence and Uniqueness of Equilibrium in the Bottleneck Model with Atomic Users
This paper investigates the existence and uniqueness of equilibrium in the Vickrey...
Travel-Time Models With and Without Homogeneity Over Time
In dynamic network loading and dynamic traffic assignment for networks, the link...
Dynamic Continuum Model with Elastic Demand for a Polycentric Urban City
This paper presents the development of a macroscopic dynamic traffic assignment model...
Traffic Dynamics of Bicycle Flow: Experiment and Modeling
Cycling has been advocated by many governments because it is a healthy and green...
An Expectation-Maximization Algorithm to Estimate the Integrated Choice and Latent Variable Model
As computing capability has grown dramatically, the transport choice model has...
Rational Behavior Adjustment Process with Boundedly Rational User Equilibrium
This paper extends the framework of ‘rational behavior adjustment process’...
A Methodological Framework of Travel Time Distribution Estimation for Urban Signalized Arterial Roads
Urban travel times are rather variable as a result of a lot of stochastic factors both...
Queues with Server Vacations as a Model for Pretimed Signalized Urban Traffic
A queuing system resulting from a signalized intersection regulated by pretimed...
Analysis of Traffic Statics and Dynamics in Signalized Networks: A Poincaré Map Approach
An understanding of traffic statics and dynamics is critical for developing effective...
A Microscopic Investigation Into the Capacity Drop: Impacts of Longitudinal Behavior on the Queue Discharge Rate
The capacity drop indicates that the queue discharge rate is lower than the...
Semi-fair design of emergency service system with failing centers
This paper deals with the semi‐fair emergency system design problem with...
A qualitative multi-criteria modelling approach to the assessment of electric energy production technologies in Slovenia
A methodological approach to the strategic evaluation of electric energy production...
Newsvendor problem under complete uncertainty: a case of innovative products
The paper presents a new scenario‐based decision rule for the classical version...
Two-echelon location routing synchronized with production schedules and time windows
In this paper we study a problem that arose while planning the delivery of perishable...
Economic model predictive inventory routing and control
The paper proposes an economic model predictive control (EMPC) strategy for the...
Managing Mortality Risk With Longevity Bonds When Mortality Rates Are Cointegrated
This article investigates the dynamic mean‐variance hedging problem of an...
Modeling and forecasting aggregate stock market volatility in unstable environments using mixture innovation regressions
We perform Bayesian model averaging across different regressions selected from a set...
Forecast robustness in macroeconometric models
This paper investigates potential invariance of mean forecast errors to structural...
Robust estimation of conditional variance of time series using density power divergences
Suppose Z t is the square of a time series Y t whose conditional mean is zero. We do...
The importance of time-varying volatility and country interactions in forecasting economic activity
This paper examines the relative importance of allowing for time‐varying...
Exact and Heuristic Algorithms for Risk-Aware Stochastic Physical Search
We consider an intelligent agent seeking to obtain an item from one of several...
ECOOP: Applying Dynamic Coalition Formation to the Power Regulation Problem in Smart Grids
In this work, we focus on one particular area of the smart grid, namely, the...
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