Journal: Marketing Science

Found 566 papers in total
The relationship between market characteristics and promotional price elasticities
Many empirical studies in marketing and economics have estimated brand price...
Evaluating alternative retail repositioning strategies
A methodology is provided for examining the impact on profitability of a significant...
Extending the Rotterdam model to test hierarchical market structures
Two issues that have implications across a firm’s marketing activities are the...
Estimating geographic customer densities using kernel density estimation
This paper shows how kernel density estimation may be used to estimate flexibly the...
The metric quality of ordered categorical data
The authors quantify the information loss incurred by categorizing an unobserved...
Modeling multinational diffusion patterns: An efficient methodology
The objective of this study is to develop an econometric model for the diffusion of...
Reservations: Customer insurance in the marketing of capacity
This paper develops a simple model of pricing and choice of capacity in a market where...
A unified approach to identifying, estimating and testing demand structures with aggregate scanner data
A one-to-one map between a specific demand structure and a restricted cross-elasticity...
Taste tests: Changing the rules to improve the game
In the food industry, taste tests are an important element in product development,...
Price-induced patterns of competition
This research focuses on how price changes influence the observed pattern of brand...
Determinants of continuity in conventional industrial channel dyads
Recently, increasing attention has been paid to the question of how to build stable,...
Sales force compensation: Theory and managerial implications
This paper discusses recent advances in the study of salesforce motivation and...
Incorporating consumer price expectations in diffusion models
In this paper the sensitivity of the optimal price path of a new durable product to...
Optimal advertising strategies
This paper considers advertising policies for a very general class of response...
Conjoint reliability measures
Researchers have used a variety of measures for the assessment of conjoint analysis...
An economic rationale for door prizes
If buyers face transaction costs, a workable pricing scheme might require door prizes...
Perceptual mapping using ordered logit analysis
This study is to present a new method for constructing a perceptual map based on logit...
The optimality of consumer stockpiling strategies
The ability of consumers to make rational sequential purchase quantiy decisions under...
New models from old: Forecasting product adoption by Hierarchical Bayes procedures
A method for obtaining early forecasts for the sales of new durable products based on...
New product entries and product class demand
Because new products are critical to success and survival, the evaluation of new...
Unobservable effects and business performance
While ‘unobservable’ factors such as corporate culture, access to scarce...
A flexible class of discrete choice models
In this paper the authors propose a flexible class of discrete choice models. These...
Optimal price and advertising policy for a convenience good retailer
Convenience goods are bought without much consideration or effort on the part of the...
SH.A.R.P.: Shelf allocation for retailers’ profit
Shelf space is the retailer’s scarcest resource. Space management tools are thus...
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