Journal: Computational Optimization and Applications

Found 579 papers in total
On the resolution of certain discrete univariate max‐min problems
We analyze a class of discrete, univariate, and strictly quasiconcave max–min...
Two wide neighborhood interior-point methods for symmetric cone optimization
In this paper, we present two primal–dual interior‐point algorithms for...
A new method for interpolating in a convex subset of a Hilbert space
In this paper, interpolating curve or surface with linear inequality constraints is...
A comparison of reduced and unreduced KKT systems arising from interior point methods
We address the iterative solution of KKT systems arising in the solution of convex...
Reliable a posteriori error estimation for state-constrained optimal control
We derive a reliable a posteriori error estimator for a state‐constrained...
Asymmetric forward‐backward‐adjoint splitting for solving monotone inclusions involving three operators
In this work we propose a new splitting technique, namely Asymmetric...
S1/2 regularization methods and fixed point algorithms for affine rank minimization problems
The affine rank minimization problem is to minimize the rank of a matrix under linear...
New subgradient extragradient methods for common solutions to equilibrium problems
In this paper, three parallel hybrid subgradient extragradient algorithms are proposed...
Further properties of the forward‐backward envelope with applications to difference-of-convex programming
In this paper, we further study the forward–backward envelope first introduced...
Total variation image deblurring with space-varying kernel
Image deblurring techniques based on convex optimization formulations, such as...
Generalized Krasnoselskii‐Mann-type iterations for nonexpansive mappings in Hilbert spaces
The Krasnoselskii–Mann iteration plays an important role in the approximation of...
Forward‐backward quasi-Newton methods for nonsmooth optimization problems
The forward–backward splitting method (FBS) for minimizing a nonsmooth composite...
Improved error bound and a hybrid method for generalized Nash equilibrium problems
We exploit a recently proposed local error bound condition for a nonsmooth...
Central axes and peripheral points in high dimensional directional datasets
We introduce a new notion of central axis for a finite set { a 1 , … , a m } of...
Exploiting derivative-free local searches in DIRECT-type algorithms for global optimization
In this paper we consider bound constrained global optimization problems where...
A novel class of approximate inverse preconditioners for large positive definite linear systems in optimization
We propose a class of preconditioners for large positive definite linear systems,...
Reduction of affine variational inequalities
We consider an affine variational inequality posed over a polyhedral convex set in n...
Perfectly competitive capacity expansion games with risk-averse participants
This paper presents Nash equilibrium models of perfectly competitive capacity...
On the update of constraint preconditioners for regularized KKT systems
We address the problem of preconditioning sequences of regularized KKT systems, such...
A DIRECT-type approach for derivative-free constrained global optimization
In the field of global optimization, many efforts have been devoted to globally...
Alternating direction method of multipliers for penalized zero-variance discriminant analysis
We consider the task of classification in the high dimensional setting where the...
Nonlinear residual minimization by iteratively reweighted least squares
In this paper we address the numerical solution of minimal norm residuals of nonlinear...
Local convex hulls for a special class of integer multicommodity flow problems
Based on previous work in rolling stock scheduling problems (Alfieri et al. in Transp...
Feature subset selection for logistic regression via mixed integer optimization
This paper concerns a method of selecting a subset of features for a logistic...
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