Journal: Stochastic Models

Found 125 papers in total
Multiple roots in some equations of queueing theory
Examples are given of probability generating functions K(z) for which z m =k(z) has...
A bivariate Markov process with diffusion and discrete components
Let ( X(t),Y(t)) be a homogeneous Markov process assuming values in R×S, where S...
An elementary theory of stochastic differential equations driven by a Poisson process
An elementary theory of a stochastic integral with respect to the Poisson process is...
Diffusion approximations for a risk process with the possibility of borrowing and investment
A diffusion approximation is constructed for an insurance risk model which was...
Explicit stationary distributions for some Galton-Watson processes with immigration
The purpose of this paper is to introduce and study a class of Galton-Watson processes...
Iteration of mappings and fixed points in mixed spectrum analysis
Here we will analyze the mixed spectrum model for , where p is not necessarily known...
An M/G/1 queue with customer collection
This paper analyses a variant of the M/G/1 queue in which the service times of...
Montonicity properties of single-server retrial queues
A single server retrial queue is a queueing system consisting of a primary queue with...
Generating function approach for discrete queueing analysis with decomposable arrival and service Markov chains
This paper uses generating function approach with spectral decomposition to analyze...
On a heavy traffic limit theorem for the M/G/1 processor-sharing queue
The paper gives an elementary proof of the heavy traffic limit theorem for the...
Response surface estimation and sensitivity analysis via efficient change of measure
Let l(v) be the performance (mean waiting time, mean sojourn time etc.) in a queueing...
On dual and minimal phase-type representations
In this paper the authors present some properties of the dual representation for a...
Near-constancy of the Harris function in the simple branching process
In the theory of the simple supercritical branching process there are difficult...
The burstiness of point processes
Discussion of an approach to the definition and measurement of the qualitative...
Calculating light traffic limits for sojourn times in open Markovian queueing system
Let be the m th moment of the sojourn time distribution for some particular customer...
Perturbation analysis of the M/M/1 queue in a Markovian environment via the matrix-geometric method
In this paper, the authors consider a family of queues in which customers according to...
Estimating population size by recapture sampling via estimating function
A class of capture-recapture estimators for population size is given via a martingale...
Limit laws in a stochastic model for profit from units sold under pro rata warranty
A stochastic model is developed describing the profit/loss experienced by a firm...
An optimal replacement period for a parallel system with single and multiple failures
A parallel system of n identical components is subjected to shocks which occur...
Sensitivity analysis of a discrete-time multisector growth model with uncertainty
In this paper the authors consider a nonstationary stochastic multisector growth...
Passage times in colored stochastic Petri nets
Passage times in colored stochastic Petri nets correspond to delays in discrete-event...
A priority queue with superimposed geometric batch arrivals
In this paper, algorithms are derived that permit the exact evaluation of the steady...
A note on the transient behavior of the Engset loss model
This note shows that for the Engset loss model with s servers working at rate μ and...
Quasi-stationary distributions in a PH/PH/c queue
Explicit representations of the quasi-stationary (QS) distributions in a multi-server...
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