Iteration of mappings and fixed points in mixed spectrum analysis

Iteration of mappings and fixed points in mixed spectrum analysis

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Article ID: iaor19942537
Country: United States
Volume: 10
Start Page Number: 309
End Page Number: 333
Publication Date: Sep 1994
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,

Here we will analyze the mixed spectrum model equ1 for equ2, where p is not necessarily known and, for each equ3, equ4 is an unknown constant equ5, is an unknown frequency with value in equ6 and the phase equ7 is a random variable uniformly distributed in equ8 independent of each other and of the noise component. The authors assume that the noise component is Gaussian white noise such that equ9. Observe that the process equ10 is not Gaussian. Here the authors present a recursive method of updating parameters for estimating the frequencies equ11, missing1. The cosines of the frequencies are obtained as attracting fixed points of a certain map.


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