An optimal replacement period for a parallel system with single and multiple failures

An optimal replacement period for a parallel system with single and multiple failures

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Article ID: iaor1994379
Country: United States
Volume: 9
Start Page Number: 81
End Page Number: 89
Publication Date: Mar 1993
Journal: Stochastic Models
Authors: ,
Keywords: quality & reliability

A parallel system of n identical components is subjected to shocks which occur randomly according to a nonhomogeneous Poisson process with intensity function λ(t). Failures of components are due to shocks and are classified into single and multiple failures according to the effect of such shock. Any shock which leads to single failure is said to have multiplicity 1. A multiple failure is the simultaneous failure of k (k≥2) components, and any shock which leads to such a failure is said to have multiplicity k. An optimal replacement period T* minimizing the long-run expected cost per unit time will be determined. A numerical example is presented at the end.


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