Journal: Production and Inventory Management Journal

Found 394 papers in total
MRP systems are not all alike
There are significantly different ways that MRP principles are applied in practice....
Order quantities for materials with delayed billing
Suppliers often offer a one-time opportunity to delay billing, and methods to...
Determining optimal cycle count frequency
The primary impact of an inventory record error is that the system may fail to reorder...
An inventory management tool for a basic industry
A technique based on manufacturing lead time and order volume for determining the...
Formal/informal systems and MRP implementation
The quest to identify the culprits behond MRP failures has chiefly focused on human...
Quantity versus timing change in open order: A critical evaluation
This article discusses the difficulties involved in the management of open orders,...
Controlling bulk issues in an MRP environment
Bulk-issues materials and parts are problematic for a manufacturing organization...
The evaluation of safety stock
Many companies set safety stock levels for all items in a group to provide the same...
A minimum production lot-size formula for stockless production
Recent books and articles on just-in-time manufacturing, zero inventories, or...
Lot size versus schedule disruption
This case study attempts to bridge the scientist/manager gap. A real industrial...
Can holding costs be over-stated for just-in-time manufacturing systems?
This article questions the overstatement of holding costs in zero inventory systems...
Is it time for a physical exam of your materials requirement planning system?
Manufacturing companies spend significant time and money implementing MRP systems,...
Use of the EOQ model for inventory analysis
This article is an evaluation conducted by survey of the critical assumptions of the...
A review of lot-sizing techniques for deterministic time-varying demand
Three major groups of lot-sizing techniques are covered: (1) those minimizing holding...
Visions and realities: MRP as ‘system’
The high incidence of MRP system failure is a matter of great concern. This article...
Optimal solution and graphical analysis for single-level discrete-demand lot sizing
This article presents an equation for determining the optimum solution for any...
Survey of MRP nervousness issues
New problems have been identified with the implementation of MRP systems. Software...
A nomograph for EOQs with delayed billing offers
In the first quarter 1986 issue, the authors developed methods to determine optimal...
Calculating holding costs for single-level discrete-demand lot sizing
The three methods generally used for calculating holding costs in the single-level...
A graphical method for optimizing a continuous review inventory system
The series of graphs developed in this article can be used to identify optimal safety...
A modified LIMIT method for determining optimum lot sizes
The original LIMIT method adjusts EOQ lot sizes for a group of items to allow for...
Finding lot sizes for materials used in projects
Project managers have usually given little attention to the cost reductions available...
MRP re-implementation
While much has been written on implementing MRP, little has been published about MRP...
Two-level master scheduling: Setting the level of option overplanning and measuring inventory reduction
How to determine the proper amount of overplanning, and how to measure or demonstrate...
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