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Found 17049 papers in total
Productivity change, technical progress, and relative efficiency change in the public accounting industry
We present evidence on components of productivity change in the public accounting...
Portfolio investment with the exact tax basis via nonlinear programming
Computing the optimal portfolio policy of an investor facing capital gains tax is a...
A comparison of VaR and CVaR constraints on portfolio selection with the mean-variance model
In this paper, we analyze the portfolio selection implications arising from imposing a...
Dividends and debt with managerial agency and lender holdup
A well-known view in the literature is that if management is more concerned with the...
Pricing path-dependent securities by the extended tree method
This paper presents a discrete-time method (ET method) for pricing path-dependent...
Primal–dual simulation algorithm for pricing multidimensional American options
This paper describes a practical algorithm based on Monte Carlo simulation for the...
Which GARCH model for option valuation?
Characterizing asset return dynamics using volatility models is an important part of...
Convergence of the Least Squares Monte Carlo Approach to American Option Valuation
In a recent paper, Longstaff and Schwartz suggest a method for American option...
Option pricing under a double exponential jump diffusion model
Analytical tractability is one of the challenges faced by many alternative models that...
Option pricing: valuation models and applications
This paper surveys the literature on option pricing from its origins to the present....
Pre-IPO (initial public offering) operational and financial decisions
Many owners of growing privately held firms make operational and financial decisions...
Suckers are born but markets are made: individual rationality, arbitrage, and market efficiency on an electronic futures market
The Iowa Electronic Markets are specially designed futures markets that appear to...
Dynamic pricing and learning in electricity markets
We analyze the price-formation process in an infinite-horizon oligopoly model where...
Valuation and optimal operation of electric power plants in competitive markets
We present an algorithm for the valuation and optimal operation of hydroelectric and...
Incentives between firms (and within)
This paper reviews the significant progress in ‘agency theory’ (i.e., the...
Pricing and allocation for quality-differentiated online services
We explore the problem of pricing and allocation of unique, one-time digital products...
Low-revenue equilibria in simultaneous ascending-bid auctions
Low-revenue equilibria allow participants in an auction to obtain goods at prices...
Search and collusion in electronic markets
We examine the impact of reduced search costs on prices of commodity products in...
Competing across technology-differentiated channels: the impact of network externalities and switching costs
Technology-driven commerce channels, such as the Web, possess several unique features...
Efficient auction mechanisms for supply chain procurement
We consider multiunit Vickrey auctions for procurement in supply chain settings. This...
Competitive options, supply contracting, and electronic markets
This paper develops a framework for analyzing business-to-business (B2B) transactions...
Models for iterative multiattribute procurement auctions
Multiattribute auctions extend traditional auction settings to allow negotiation over...
A new and improved design for multiobject iterative auctions
In this paper we present a new improved design for multiobject auctions and report on...
Iterative combinatorial auctions with bidder-determined combinations
In combinatorial auctions, multiple distinct items are sold simultaneously and a...
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