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Found 17049 papers in total
A branch-and-price algorithm and new test problems for spectrum auctions
When combinatorial bidding is permitted in auctions, such as the proposed FCC Auction...
CABOB: A fast optimal algorithm for winner determination in combinatorial auctions
Combinatorial auctions where bidders can bid on bundles of items can lead to more...
Slow Dutch auctions
Theorists have long believed that Dutch auctions are strategically equivalent to...
Emotional bidders – an analytical and experimental examination of consumers' behavior in a priceline-like reverse auction
E-commerce has proved to be fertile ground for new business models, which may be...
Online haggling at a name-your-own-price retailer: theory and application
We present a formal model of haggling between a name-your-own-price retailer and a set...
Naive bidding
This paper presents an equilibrium explanation for the persistence of naive bidding....
The landscape of electronic market design
This paper presents an introductory survey for this special issue of Management...
Jump bidding strategies in internet auctions
A bidding strategy commonly observed in Internet auctions is that of ‘jump...
Information transparency of business-to-business electronic markets: a game-theoretic analysis
The abundance of transaction data available on the Internet tends to make information...
Dynamic conversion behavior at E-commerce sites
This paper develops a model of conversion behavior (i.e., converting store visits into...
On the depth and dynamics of online search behavior
This paper examines search across competing e-commerce sites. By analyzing panel data...
Consumer surplus in the digital economy: estimating the value of increased product variety at online booksellers
We present a framework and empirical estimates that quantify the economic impact of...
Group buying on the web: a comparison of price-discovery mechanisms
Web-based group-buying mechanisms are being widely used for both business-to-business...
An inverse-optimization-based auction mechanism to support a multiattribute request for quotation process
We consider a manufacturer who uses a reverse, or procurement, auction to determine...
Note on online auctions with costly bid evaluation
As seen in the data of Snir and Hitt, online service procurement auctions often end...
Costly bidding in online markets for IT services
Internet-enabled markets are becoming viable venues for procurement of professional...
Combinatorial auction design
Combinatorial auctions have two features that greatly affect their design:...
Managing online auctions: current business and research issues
The Internet's computational power and flexibility have made auctions a widespread and...
E-business and management science: mutual impacts (Part 2 of 2)
This concludes a two-part commentary on management science and e-business, the theme...
The role of the management sciences in research on personalization
We present a review of research studies that deal with personalization and synthesize...
Internet-based virtual stock markets for business forecasting
The application of Internet-based virtual stock markets (VSMs) is an additional...
Dynamic pricing in the presence of inventory considerations: research overview, current practices, and future directions
The benefits of dynamic pricing methods have long been known in industries, such as...
E-business and management science: mutual impacts (Part 1 of 2)
This begins a two-part commentary on management science and e-business, the theme of...
An exact algorithm for constrained two-dimensional two-staged cutting problems
The constrained two-dimensional cutting (C_TDC) problem consists of determining a...
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