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Found 17049 papers in total
An Alien integer program
The ‘Alien Tiles’ game is taken from Clifford Pickover's website...
Back to the St. Petersburg Paradox?
The conventional parameterizations of cumulative prospect theory do not explain the...
50th anniversary article: selection, provisioning, shared fixed costs, maximum closure, and implications on algorithmic methods today
Motivated by applications in freight handling and open-pit mining, Rhys, Balinski, and...
New results on the Mixed General Routing Problem
In this paper, we deal with the polyhedral description and the resolution of the Mixed...
An adaptive sampling algorithm for solving Markov decision processes
Based on recent results for multiarmed bandit problems, we propose an adaptive...
Trust building among strangers
The trust-building process is basic to social science. We investigate it in a...
Games with incomplete information played by ‘Bayesian’ players, I–III: Part I. The Basic Model (John C. Harsanyi) with comments
This paper is taken from a special supplement to the journal Management Science at the...
Selecting attributes to measure the achievement of objectives
The foundation for any decision is a clear statement of objectives. Attributes clarify...
On the use of optimization for data mining: theoretical interactions and eCRM opportunities
Previous work on the solution to analytical electronic customer relationship...
A numerical method for solving singular stochastic control problems
Singular stochastic control has found diverse applications in operations management,...
Models and Managers: The Concept of a Decision Calculus (John D. C. Little) with comments
This paper is taken from a special supplement to the journal Management Science at the...
Improving emergency responsiveness with management science
While the goal of OR/MS is to aid decision makers, implementation of published models...
A multiperiod dynamic model of taxi services with endogenous service intensity
This paper presents a spatially aggregated multiperiod taxi service model with...
Design of zone tariff systems in public transportation
Given a public transportation system represented by its stops and direct connections...
A distributed decision-making structure for dynamic resource allocation using nonlinear functional approximations
This paper proposes a distributed solution approach to a certain class of dynamic...
Revenue management for parallel flights with customer-choice behavior
We consider the simultaneous seat-inventory control of a set of parallel flights...
Simulation-based booking limits for airline revenue management
Deterministic mathematical programming models that capture network effects play a...
Long-range reserve crew manpower planning
Airlines are continually faced with the challenge of efficient utilization of their...
Pooling problem: Alternate formulations and solution methods
The pooling problem, which is fundamental to the petroleum industry, describes a...
Clustering sensors in wireless ad hoc networks operating in a threat environment
Sensors in a data fusion environment over hostile territory are geographically...
Solving a time–space network formulation for the convoy movement problem
We give a formal specification for a strategic network routing problem known as the...
Navy personnel planning and the optimal partition
One could argue that the Navy's most important resource is its personnel, and as such,...
Analyzing bioterror response logistics: the case of anthrax
To aid in understanding how best to respond to a bioterror anthrax attack, we analyze...
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