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Found 17049 papers in total
Mean-centering does not alleviate collinearity problems in moderated multiple regression models
The cross-product term in moderated regression may be collinear with its constituent...
Modeling page views across multiple websites with an application to Internet reach and frequency prediction
In this study, we develop a multivariate generalization of the negative binomial...
New product diffusion with influentials and imitators
We model the diffusion of innovations in markets with two segments: influentials who...
Representation and inference of lexicographic preference models and their variants
The authors propose two variants of lexicographic preference rules. They obtain the...
Myopic marketing management: evidence of the phenomenon and its long-term performance consequences in the SEO context
Managers often have incentives to artificially inflate current-term earnings by...
Adaptive idea screening using consumers
Following a successful idea generation exercise, a company might easily be left with...
Deconstructing each item’s category contribution
Retailers and manufacturers believe that the mere presence of certain items in a...
Designing price contracts for boundedly rational customers: does the number of blocks matter?
When designing price contracts, one of the major questions confronting managers is how...
Performance regimes and marketing policy shifts
Even in mature markets, managers are expected to improve their brands’...
User design of customized products
User design offers tantalizing potential benefits to manufacturers and consumers,...
The effects of costs and competition on slotting allowances
We consider the optimal two-part tariff contract between a manufacturer and a...
The effect of cultural orientation on consumer responses to personalization
While marketing activities increasingly involve personalizing product offers to...
The impact of a product-harm crisis on marketing effectiveness
Product-harm crises are among a firm’s worst nightmares. A firm may experience...
Bayesian estimation of bid sequences in Internet auctions using a generalized record-breaking model
A sequence of bids in Internet auctions can be viewed as record-breaking events in...
Investigating consumers’ purchase incidence and brand choice decisions across multiple product categories: a theoretical and empirical analysis
We propose a framework to investigate consumers’ brand choice and purchase...
Wearout effects of different advertising themes: a dynamic Bayesian model of the advertising–sales relationship
Models of advertising response implicitly assume that the entire advertising budget is...
Strategic manufacturer response to a dominant retailer
The growing dominance of large retailers has altered traditional channel incentives...
New product development under channel acceptance
In channel structures characterized by a powerful retailer (e.g., Wal-Mart, Home...
A neurocognitive model of advertisement content and brand name recall
We introduce a new (point process) model of learning and forgetting, inspired by the...
Price as a stimulus to think: the case for willful overpricing
Consumers aware of a new benefit will often experience uncertainty about its personal...
Product line design and production technology
In this paper we characterize the impact of production technology on the optimal...
When do price thresholds matter in retail categories?
Marketing literature has long recognized that brand price elasticity need not be...
Coupons versus rebates
This paper examines a key difference between two promotional vehicles, coupons and...
Cross-market network effect with asymmetric customer loyalty: implications for competitive advantage
Across-market network effect exists in many industries (e.g., newspaper publishing,...
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