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Perspective – administrative behavior: laying the foundations for Cyert and March
Cohen Michael D.
‘A Behavioral Theory of the Firm’ by Cyert and March can be interpreted as...
Perspective – on the evolutionary and behavioral theories of organizations: a tentative roadmap
Dosi Giovanni
Cyert and March’s ‘A Behavioral Theory of the Firm’ has been...
A behavioral resource-based view of the firm: the synergy of Cyert and March (1963) and Penrose (1959)
Pitelis Christos N.
Cyert and March’s seminal behavioral theory is one of the two major...
The inherent limits of organizational structure and the unfulfilled role of hierarchy: lessons from a near-war
Jacobides Michael G.
This paper examines how Greece nearly went to war with Turkey in 1996 over the...
What competition? Myopic self-focus in market-entry decisions
Zietsma Charlene
This paper documents egocentric biases in market-entry decisions. We demonstrate...
On the origin of strategy: action and cognition over time
Rivkin Jan W.
We develop a perspective on how managers search for a strategy. In the spirit of Cyert...
The value of moderate obsession: insights from a new model of organizational search
Cattani Gino
This study presents a new model of search on a rugged landscape, which employs...
Antecedents of convergence and divergence in strategic positioning: the effects of performance and aspiration on the direction of strategic change
Park Kyung Min
This paper investigates drivers of convergence and divergence in strategic positioning...
Aspiration performance and railroads’ patterns of learning from train wrecks and crashes
Baum Joel A.C.
We link two influential organizational learning models – performance feedback...
Incentives to cheat: the influence of executive compensation and firm performance on financial misrepresentation
Bromiley Philip
Despite the many undesirable outcomes of corporate misconduct, scholars have an...
A behavioral theory of the firm – 40 years and counting: introduction and impact
Argote Linda
In this introductory piece, we take stock of the impact of Cyert and March’s...
Organizational character: on the regeneration of Camp Poplar Grove
Birnholtz Jeremy P.
We analyze organizational regeneration using case materials from a study of a...
From iron cage to iron shield? How bureaucracy enables temporal flexibility for professional service workers
Briscoe Forrest
This paper develops a model of how organizations influence the temporal flexibility of...
Continuous learning: the influence of national institutional logics on training attitudes
Luo Xiaowei
This research attempts to understand and test a core assumption in neoinstitutional...
The contingent impact of contextualization on computer-mediated collaboration
Teeni Dov
Computer-mediated collaboration, a rapidly expanding form of work, introduces unique...
Leveraging knowledge across geographic boundaries
Tallman Stephen
This paper examines knowledge flows within and across geographic boundaries of...
Incremental organizational learning from multilevel information sources: evidence for cross-level interactions
Schwab Andreas
The availability of both direct performance feedback at the organization level and...
When is a new thing a good thing? Technological change, product form design, and perceptions of value for product innovations
Rindova Violina P.
Innovation researchers recognize that the uncertainty with regard to the...
Fairness from the top: perceived procedural justice and collaborative problem solving in new product development
Li Haiyang
The literature on new product development has examined several important determinants...
Business model design and the performance of entrepreneurial firms
Amit Raphael
We focus on the design of an organization’s set of boundary-spanning...
Brokerage, boundary spanning, and leadership in open innovation communities
Fleming Lee
What types of human and social capital identify the emergence of leaders of open...
Coordinating expertise among emergent groups responding to disasters
Jarvenpaa Sirkka L.
In the aftermath of catastrophic events, when plans for organized and timely response...
Corporate greening through ISO 14001: a rational myth?
Boiral Olivier
The process used by organizations to integrate the ISO 14001 standard has not yet been...
What leads organizational members to collectivize? Injustice and identification as precursors of union certification
Blader Steven L.
This paper presents the results of two studies that examine the impact of both social...
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