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Found 17049 papers in total
FedEx generates bid lines using simulated annealing
We built a bid-line generator to help Federal Express perform what-if analyses of work...
Absolutely, positively operations research: The Federal Express story
Federal Express Corporation has used operations research (OR) to help make its major...
The Shuttle by United
United Airlines designed the Shuttle by United to compete in the short-haul air...
A general fixed-point approach to multimode multi-user equilibrium assignment with elastic demand
This paper presents a fixed-point formulation of multi-mode multi-user equilibrium...
Transit service and path choice models in stochastic and time-dependent networks
This paper develops a new path choice model that incorporates both time-dependent and...
A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with soft time windows
This paper describes a tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with soft...
A Generalized Traveling Salesman Problem approach to the directed Clustered Rural Postman Problem
In this paper, we examine the directed Clustered Rural Postman Problem (CRPP). The...
Projected dynamical systems in the formulation, stability analysis, and computation of fixed-demand traffic network equilibria
This paper proposes, for a fixed demand traffic network problem, a route travel choice...
MS/OR enabled systems design
Management (at least as reflected by popular management culture) is now more...
What’s the problem? An introduction to problem structuring methods
OR’s traditional problem-solving techniques offer remarkably little assistance...
National and corporate cultural fit in mergers/acquisitions: An exploratory study
While cultural fit has been acknowledged to be a potentially important factor in...
Mailing decisions in the catalog sales industry
Catalog sales are among the fastest growing businesses in the US. The most important...
An endogenous segmentation mode choice model with an application to intercity travel
This article uses an endogenous segmentation approach to model mode choice. This...
A tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls and time windows
This article describes a tabu search heuristic for the vehicle routing problem with...
Heuristic algorithms for the handicapped persons transportation problem
The authors examine the problem of determining an optimal schedule for a fleet of...
Controlled optimization of phases at an intersection
This paper presents a general purpose algorithm for real-time traffic control at an...
Analytical models for vehicle/gap distribution on automated highway systems
Highway congestion has in recent years become a pervasive problem for urban and...
Quo-vadis water-quality management in central and eastern-Europe
Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries are going through unique political,...
Development of least-cost water-quality control policies for the Nitra River Basin in Slovakia
The Nitra is one of the most polluted rivers in Slovakia due to numerous municipal and...
Generation of temporal sequences using local dynamic-programming
The generation of a sequence of control actions to move a system from an initial state...
Optimal control of arrivals to token ring networks with exhaustive service discipline
The optimal control of arrivals to a two-station token ring network is analyzed in...
Optimal and approximate control policies for airline booking with sequential nonmonotonic fare classes
This paper addresses the question of when to refuse discount bookings from airline...
Two-dimensional failure-free warranty policies: Two-dimensional point process models
A two-dimensional warranty policy is characterized by a region in a two-dimensional...
Two-person zero-sum games for network interdiction
A single evader attempts to traverse a path between two nodes in a network while a...
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