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Found 17049 papers in total
Heuristic scheduling of resource-constrained projects with cash flows
Resource-constrained project scheduling with cash flows occurs in many settings,...
A Markovian model for process setup and improvement
We examine the setup and improvement policies for a production process with multiple...
Single-machine scheduling with release dates, due dates and family setup times
We address the NP-hard problem of scheduling n independent jobs with release dates,...
Overlapping start-time bands in implicit tour scheduling
Many organizations face personnel scheduling decisions under conditions of variable...
Scheduling parallel manufacturing cells with resource flexibility
This paper investigates the improvements in manufacturing performance that can be...
Fully loaded direct shipping strategy in one warehouse/N retailer systems without central inventories
In this paper, we consider one warehouse/multiple retailer systems with transportation...
Eliciting von Neumann–Morgenstern utilities when probabilities are distorted or unknown
This paper proposes a new method, the (gamble-)tradeoff method, for eliciting...
Modeling for litigation: Mixing qualitative and quantitative approaches
A contractor to the channel tunnel project instigated litigation to claim for the...
A new formula for distributing hospital funds in England
The British National Health Service delivers the great majority of the country's...
Evolution of operational research studies and development of a national control strategy against intestinal helminths in Pemba Island, 1988–92
Intestinal helminthic infections in Pemba Island, United Republic of Tanzania, have...
Management science/operations research projects in health care: The administrator's perspective
Management science and operations research (MS/OR) refer to the development of...
Blending OR/MS, judgment, and GIS: Restructuring P&G's supply chain
In 1993, Procter & Gamble (P&G) began an effort entitled strengthening global...
Evaluation of vision correction alternatives for myopic adults
Prior to 1980, eyeglasses and contact lenses were the only widely available corrective...
Operational research need in guineaworm eradication programme
To achieve global guineaworm (GW) eradication in the 1990s, it is of paramount...
The application of operational research procedures to maternal mortality from puerperal sepsis in a rural community
An operational research study on maternal mortality from puerperal sepsis was carried...
Guns or butter: Decision support for determining the size and shape of the South African National Defense Force
In January 1994, the chief of the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) asked...
Evaluating new weapon systems technology: The Javelin versus the Dragon
To achieve its missions, the US Army needs to take advantage of improvements in...
Evaluating future military space technologies
In a major Air Force study of future space systems, SPACE-CAST 2020, study teams...
Optimizing submarine berthing with a persistence incentive
Submarine berthing plans reserve mooring locations for inbound US Navy nuclear...
Determining the optimal mix of exercise activities using mathematical programming
Several mathematical programming models designed to develop optimal exercise programs...
Revenue management saves National Car Rental
In 1993, National Car Rental faced liquidation. General Motors Corporation (National's...
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