Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Structural budget reform: Does it affect budget deliberations?
This study explores the extent to which budget reforms (performance budgeting, PPBS...
Changing how we budget: Aaron Wildavsky's perspective
This article chronicles the analysis of budget reform initiatives by Aaron Wildavsky...
The future of federal budgeting: What will the government do? How will it make its choices?
Over the past quarter century, federal budgeting has been dominated by the federal...
The need to downsize politics along with the public dollar
Numerous political ‘disillusioning events’ have contributed to what is now...
Outcome budgeting: A new entrepreneurial approach to budgeting
Performance measurement in general, and the measurement of outcomes in particular, is...
Federal user fees and entrepreneurial budgeting
An increasing number of federal programs in the USA have the authority to charge fees....
Public budgeting deficiencies in Sub-Saharan Africa: A review
This article provides an overview of the major deficiencies affecting public budgeting...
The road to Entrepreneurial Budgeting
The twenty-first century appears to be starting with a new budget reform called...
Rare-event simulation for multistage production-inventory systems
We consider the problem of precise estimation of service-level measures in multistage...
Optimal pricing and lot-sizing under conditions of perishability and partial backordering
We formulate a generalized model of dynamic pricing and lot-sizing by a reseller who...
The joint effect of leadtime variance and lot size in a parallel processing environment
We study a basic ( r , q ) system, in which the demand is a Poisson process and the...
Polynomial algorithms for center location on spheres
When locating facilities over the Earth or in space, a planar location model is no...
The cost of regulation
Advocates of regulatory benefit-cost analysis are right in theory, albeit somewhat...
Maximum entropy aggregation of expert predictions
This paper presents a maximum entropy framework for the aggregation of expert opinions...
Cases in Management Science
Industry's Guide to ISO 9000
On a ruckle problem in discrete games of ambush
The following zero-sum games is considered. Red chooses in integer interval [1, n ]...
Bottleneck resource allocation in manufacturing
Many resource-allocation problems in manufacturing and service operations require...
Bidding in common value auctions: How the commercial construction industry corrects for the winner's curse
Experienced construction industry executives suffer from a winner's curse in...
The impact of environmental management on firm performance
Environmental management has the potential to play a pivotal role in the financial...
Self-buffering, self-balancing, self-flushing production lines
This research addresses a system of flexible worker assignments in a setting where...
Demand shuffle – a method for multilevel proportional lot sizing and scheduling
This contribution acquaints the reader with a model for multilevel single-machine...
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