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Found 17049 papers in total
Regression analysis as an aid in making oboe reeds
Professional oboe players almost always have to make their own reeds, which involves a...
Automated timetabling improves course scheduling at UCLA
Every school must generate a timetable for its courses. If the number of classes is...
Assigning telephone operators to shifts at New Brunswick Telephone Company
I developed a procedure for assigning telephone operators to shifts at New Brunswick...
South Carolina counties use a mixed-integer programming-based decision support tool for planning municipal solid waste management
Constructing an integrated municipal solid waste management plan and implementing the...
Selecting employees for random drug tests at Union Pacific Railroad
Many industries have recently implemented programs to detect and deter the use of...
Estimating and projecting regional HIV/AIDS cases and costs, 1990–2000: A case study
We developed predictions of HIV/AIDS caseloads and costs for the Northern Virginia...
An engagement model to optimize defense against a multiple attack assuming perfect kill assessment
We present an air-defense engagement model to counter an attack by multiple antiship...
Optimality of the Greedy Shooting Strategy in the presence of incomplete damage information
Consider a situation where a single shooter engages, sequentially, a cluster of...
Simulating queue scheduling policies for a spacecraft simulator
The mission of the Cassini spacecraft is a unique opportunity to gain insights into...
An integrated spatial DSS for scheduling and routing Home-Health-Care Nurses
Currently over 10,000 organizations in the United States provide nursing-related...
Regular polytopes in ordinary space
The three aims of this paper are to obtain the proof by Dress of the completeness of...
The problem of generating crew bidlines
Most US airlines generate pairings (or several-days-long work schedules) for airline...
Automatic optimization of subproblems in scheduling airline crews
Scheduling crews is critical to operating an airline. We developed a selection process...
ETC measures the impact of ISO 9002 on corporate quality
In March 1995, the Energy Transportation Corporation (ETC), a major shipper of...
Curvature of the probability weighting function
When individuals choose among risky alternatives, the psychological weight attached to...
A theoretical study of the socioecology of ungulates. 2. A dynamic-programming study of the stochastic formulation
We develop a stochastic version of a previously discussed model of optimal herd size...
Prescribing tactical response for oil spill clean up operations
The Tactical Decision Problem (TDP) associated with oil spill clean up operations...
Optimizing an international network of partially owned plants under conditions of trade liberalization
For the last four decades the preferred economic philosophy in much of Latin America...
The feasibility of an index-contingent trading mechanism
‘Auction’ or ‘call’ trading systems are used in many stock...
Using Tabu Search to generate stand-level, rule-based bucking patterns
A Tabu Search (TS) heuristic was developed for generating easily implementable bucking...
Dynamic selection of harvests with adjacency restrictions: The SHARe model
A dynamic forest management model is developed that incorporates spatial and temporal...
Aggregation procedures in forest management planning using cluster analysis
Typical linear programming models used in forest planning can be very large. It is...
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