Public budgeting in America: A twentieth century retrospective

Public budgeting in America: A twentieth century retrospective

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Article ID: iaor19981066
Country: United States
Volume: 9
Issue: 2
Start Page Number: 189
End Page Number: 219
Publication Date: Jan 1997
Journal: JPBAF
Authors: ,
Keywords: management, planning, government

Reviewing the development of budgeting in America in the twentieth century, this article assesses where public budgeting is as it approaches the twenty-first century. Five periods are identified in American budgeting, drawing upon the work of Schick and Rubin: control, management, planning, prioritization and accountability. Budgeting in the 1990s is described as characterized by accountability and a ‘new’ performance budgeting emphasis. The authors argue that the budget reform movement is still alive and well in American government, with local governments once more leading the way.


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