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Found 17049 papers in total
A weighted least squares approach to computer simulation factor screening
In this paper, we develop a weighted least squares (WLS) approach to computer...
Waste-water pickup and disposal at NGPL
Natural Gas Pipeline Company (NGPL) stores gas in several underground formations of...
Experimental evaluation of a procedure for estimating nonhomogeneous Poisson processes having cyclic behavior
This paper summarizes an experimental evaluation of a procedure for estimating a...
Convergence results for harmonic gradient estimators
Sensitivity analysis of steady state simulation outputs typically involves estimating...
SSS: Subroutine set for experimenting in simulation research
SSS is a a collection of routines that can be used in DOS-based systems with a Borland...
Arc routing problems, Part I: The Chinese postman problem
Arc routing problems arise in several areas of distribution management and have long...
A flexible method for estimating inverse distribution functions in simulation experiments
To generate random variates from an unknown continuous distribution, we present...
Arc routing problems, Part II: The rural postman problem
This is the second half of a two-part survey on arc routing problems. The first part...
A location based heuristic for general routing problems
We present a general framework for modeling routing problems based on formulating them...
Production scheduling in the snack-food industry
To solve a scheduling problem in a food-processing company where production is...
The effect of training data set size and the complexity of the separation function on neural network classification capability: The two-group case
Classification among groups is a crucial problem in managerial decision making....
An exact algorithm for maximum entropy sampling
We study the experimental design problem of selecting a most informative subset,...
Application of linear programming in a gauze splitting operation
‘Real-world’ adaptation of a linear programming model for cutting stock...
Managerial relevance: The key to survival for OR/MS
OR/MS has come under increasing pressure within the MBA community to justify its place...
Teaching decision analysis
In teaching decision analysis at the University of Waikato in New Zealand, I employ...
Prerequisites, content, and pedagogical characteristics of the introductory production/operations management course
Graduates of collegiate schools of business need to be well-grounded in the basic...
A benchmarking study of the current practices with regard to the role of the quantitative curriculum in business schools
The combined effect of many factors is forcing business schools to rethink their...
Structuring the production environment for joint academic and practical problem solving
The purpose of this paper is to support production researchers in positioning their...
Preparing for the future: The opportunities and limitations for INFORMS on the Pacific Rim
Based on an address given at the April 1995 INFORMS meeting in Los Angeles, this...
The easy chair: Is it possible to have a good definitional description of operations research and management science?
From the earliest days of operations research, when its workers were asked what their...
MS/OR enabled systems design
Management (at least as reflected by popular management culture) is now more...
Model formulation: What experts think about and when
Model formulation is a critical craft skill that deserves more attention from OR...
The productivity of financial intermediation and the technology of financial product management
Financial intermediates – banks, thrifts, and life insurance companies –...
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