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Found 17049 papers in total
Active nonlinear tests of complex simulation models
Simulation models are becoming increasingly common in the analysis of critical...
Information technology and time-based competition in financial markets
This paper studies time-based competition in imperfect securities markets, linking IT...
A minimax portfolio selection rule with linear programming solution
A new principle for choosing portfolios based on historical returns data is...
Multivariate one-way random effects model
Estimation of the variance and covariance matrices of the random effects and the...
Comparison of powers of some tests for testing homogeneity under order restrictions in multivariate normal means
In this paper attention is directed towards the construction of a reasonable test for...
Some basic properties of the maximum likelihood estimators for a multivariate normal distribution with monotone missing data
In this paper we study some basic properties of the MLEs &mucirc; and &Sigmacrc; for a...
Multiple comparisons with the average for normal distributions
In this article we propose some multiple comparison procedures with the average....
Sojourn times for the Brownian motion
In this paper explicit formulas are given for the distribution function, the density...
Filtering with a limiter (improved performance)
We consider a filtering problem for a Gaussian diffusion process observed via...
Mosaicking of aerial photographic maps via seams defined by bottleneck shortest paths
The Cartographic Institute of Catalonia produces commercial aerial photographic maps...
On intensities of modulated Cox measures
In this paper we introduce and study functionals of the intensities of random measures...
The missing link in budget models of nonprofit institutions: Two practical Dutch applications
The Dutch government, health insurance associations, and research boards allocate...
Sample correlations of infinite variance time series models: An empirical and theoretical study
When the elements of a stationary ergodic time series have finite variance the sample...
Modeling and analysis of a manufacturing cell formation problem with fuzzy mixed-integer programming
Cell formation (CF) has received much attention from academicians and practitioners...
Grouping and placement of machine cells
We consider a real-world machine grouping and layout problem in which the objective is...
Design for global manufacturing and assembly
In this paper the author presents and tests new concurrent engineering strategies that...
Testing new direct marketing offerings: The interplay of management judgment and statistical models
The launch of a new product or service via direct marketing is nearly always preceded...
On Ryszard Syski
This is a brief account on Ryszard Syski's scientific contributions and his...
On the meaningfulness of optimal solutions to scheduling problems: Can an optimal solution be nonoptimal?
We consider the problem of finding an optimal schedule for jobs on a single machine...
The air traffic flow management problem with enroute capacities
Throughout the United States and Europe, demand for airport use has been increasing...
Conjunctive operation of hydroelectric and thermal power-plants
An integrated approach combining deterministic dynamic programming and simulation...
Similarity judgments in choice under uncertainty: A reinterpretation of the predictions of regret theory
The Regret theory of Loomes and Sugden predicts choice anomalies implied by other...
The zero-condition: A simplifying assumption in quality adjusted life year measurement and multiattribute utility
This paper studies the implications of the ‘zero-condition’ for...
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