Country: United States

Found 17049 papers in total
Application of neural networks and simulation modeling in manufacturing system design
Simulation modeling is often used in the design of manufacturing systems. With...
Spatial restrictions in harvest scheduling
Forest resource use has traditionally been multifaceted. In order to ensure that these...
A linear programming, tabu search method for solving forest-level bucking optimization problems
The forest-level bucking optimization problem consists of determining the bucking...
Using dynamic programming and overlapping subproblems to address adjacency in large harvest scheduling problems
The adjacency problem for forest management scheduling is formulated as a dynamic...
Using expert judgment to model initial attack fire crew effectiveness
An expert judgment elicitation methodology was developed and used to encode subjective...
Economic and fragmentation effects of clearcut restrictions
Clearcut restrictions limiting individual clearcut size affect economic outputs and...
Analyzing consistency of experts' judgments: Case of assessing forest biodiversity
Incorporation of biodiversity considerations into forest planning requires methods for...
Estimating the point availability with right-censored data
The point availability of a one-unit system at a specified time is defined as the...
Trash-flow allocation: Planning under uncertainty
The materials in trash, or municipal solid waste (MSW), may be recycled, composted,...
A nonparametric approach for selecting the most reliable population
In this paper, we present a nonparametric method for selecting the most reliable...
An example of a good but partially successful OR engagement: Improving outpatient clinic operations
We undertook a study to improve the running of hospital out-patient clinics that were...
A comparative analysis of hazardous waste remediation alternatives
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has 136 contaminated nuclear-processing sites...
Optimizing army base realignment and closure
In April 1997, the United States Army announced that savings had finally overtaken...
The Peoples Gas Light and Coke Company plans gas supply
A gas utility's profits depend on its portfolio of gas supply and storage contracts...
Optimal sequential decisions and the content of the fourth-and-goal conference
During fourth-and-goal conferences toward the end of very close football games, teams...
Two elevators serving up-traffic
A model is described for the motion of two elevators serving traffic only from a...
How does product proliferation affect responsiveness?
In this note we consider some strategies that a manufacturing firm may use to deal...
When does forced idle time improve performance in polling models?
Sarkar and Zangwill showed by numerical examples that reduction in setup times can,...
Optimal production policies for multi-stage systems with setup costs and uncertain capacities
The increased complexity of modern manufacturing has led to uncertainties in...
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