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On conditions for mixtures of increasing failure rate distributions to have an increasing failure rate
Consider a family of distributions with survival distributions that are log concave...
Effective bandwidths for Markov regenerative sources
In this paper we consider the multiplexing of indepdendent stochastic fluid sources...
Prox-regularization methods for generalized fractional programming
If a fractional program does not have a unique solution or the feasible set is...
Relaxed cutting plane method for solving linear semi-infinite programming problems
One of the major computational tasks of using the traditional cutting plane approach...
Capacitated selection problem
Optimizing the selection of resources to accomplish a set of tasks involves evaluating...
Repairing misbehaving mathematical programming models: Concepts and a GAMS-based approach
Mathematical-programming formulations can yield faulty answers. Models can be...
Arrival and departure state distributions in the general bulk-service queue
In this paper, we give an explicit relation between steady-state probability...
On the number of refusals in a busy period
Formulas are derived for moments of the number of refused customers in a busy period...
On the steady-state distribution of number in the queue Geom/G/1
Discrete-time queues are frequently used in telecommunication networks. This paper...
Non-stationary waiting times in a closed exponential tandem queue
A closed exponential tandem queue in which every customer has to be served by two...
M/G/∞ with alternating renewal breakdowns
We consider an M/G/∞ queue where the service station is subject to occasional...
A numerically efficient method for the MAP/D/1/K queue via rational approximations
The Markovian Arrival Process (MAP), which contains the Markov Modulated Poisson...
Distribution of spatial requirement for a MAP/G/1 queue when space and service times are dependent
In this paper, we consider a MAP/G/1 queue in which each customer arrives with a...
An M/G/1 queue with cyclic service times
In this paper we consider a single server queue with Poisson arrivals and general...
On effects of arrival rate and burstiness in the queueing system: Analysis of Lb/d/1
This paper studies a single-server queueing system with deterministic service time in...
Stationary tail probabilities in exponential server tandems with renewal arrivals
The problem considered is that of estimating the tail stationary probability for two...
Higher order approximations for tandem queueing networks
In this paper a higher order approximation for single server queues and tandem...
A fork-join queueing model: Diffusion approximation, integral representations and asymptotics
We consider two parallel M/M/1 queues which are fed by a single Poisson arrival...
A shifting bottleneck heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness in a job shop
We present a shifting bottleneck heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness...
Ergodicity properties of rerouting strategies in queueing networks
In this paper we study ergodicity properties for simple Markovian models describing...
General multiprocessor task scheduling
Most papers in the scheduling field assume that a job can be processed by only one...
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