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Queueing Analysis
Redialling policies: Optimality and success probabilities
Since callers encountering busy signals often want to redial, modern communication...
Move-to-front rule for accessing several records
The move-to-front rule is applied on a model where several records are accessed each...
Quasi-product form to a multinode queueing system with a common exponential set-up server
We consider a K-node queueing system sharing a set-up server. Each node has a node...
Pathwise rate-stability for input–output processes
An input–output process Z ≡ {Z(t), t ≥ 0} is said to be ω-rate...
Simple analysis of a fluid queue driven by an M/M/1 queue
In this note we consider the fluid queue driven by an M/M/1 queue as analysed by...
A new class of performance results for a fractional Brownian traffic model
Recent Bellcore studies have shown that high-speed data traffic exhibits...
Empirical Bayesian analysis for traffic intensity: M/M/1 queues with covariates
In this paper, we consider a set of individual M/M/ 1 queues in which variations in...
Heavy traffic analysis of a storage model with long range dependent On/Off sources
We consider a fluid queueing system with infinite storage capacity and constant output...
Non zero-sum stochastic games in admission, service and routing control in queueing systems
The purpose of this paper is to investigate situations of non-cooperative dynamic...
On the role of Rouche's theorem in queueing analysis
In analytic queueing theory, Rouché's theorem is frequently used, and when it...
Wiener–Hopf analysis of an M/G/1 queue with negative customers and of a related class of random walks
Two variants of an M/G/1 queue with negative customers lead to the study of a random...
On M/M/1 queues with a smart machine
This paper discusses a class of M/M/1 queueing models in which the service time of a...
Scheduling in a multi-class series of queues with deterministic service times
We consider a problem of scheduling in a multi-class network of single-server queues...
The evolution of methods of convex optimization
This paper provides a short introduction to the milestones in the development of...
Heuristics for the plate-cutting traveling salesman problem
In this paper we present a new problem that arises when parts are cut from large...
Analysis of the asymmetrical shortest two-server queueing model
This study presents the analytic solution for an asymmetrical two-server queueing...
The stationary G/G/s queue with non-identical servers
We extend a recently developed factorization method to the case of the G/G/s queue...
Performance bounds and pathwise stability for generalized vacation and polling systems
We consider a generalized vacation or polling system, modeled as an input–output...
Computing loss probabilities in discrete-time queues
Discrete-time queueing systems are frequently encountered in telecommunication...
A simulation clock-based solution to the frequency domain experiment indexing problem
Frequence domain experiments (FDEs) were introduced to perform system sensitivity...
The complexity of rapid learning in discrete event simulation
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of discrete event simulation models require the...
On the approximation of an integral by a sum of random variables
We approximate the integral of a smooth function of [0, 1], where values are only...
A system of functional-differential equations associated with the optimal detection problem for jump-times of a Poisson process
The value function in the optimal detection problem for jump-times of a Poisson...
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