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Found 17049 papers in total
On Whitt's conjecture for queues in which service times and interarrival times depend linearly and randomly upon waiting times
We consider a modification of the standard G/G/ 1 queueing system with infinite...
A heuristic for the two-machine no-wait openshop scheduling problem
In this paper the problem of minimizing makespan in a two-machine openshop is...
Analysis of preemptive loss priority queues with preemption distance
In a queueing system with preemptive loss priority discipline, customers disappear...
A genetic algorithm methodology for complex scheduling problems
This paper considers the scheduling problem to minimize total tardiness given multiple...
Polling systems with state-dependent setup times
We analyze a polling system with multiple stations (queues) attended by a cycling...
Single line queue with recurrent repeated demands
We analyze a model queueing system in which customers cannot be in continuous contact...
Convergence to equilibria for fluid models of head-of-the-line proportional processor sharing queueing networks
Fluid models have recently become an important tool for the study of open multiclass...
The asymptotic behavior of queueing systems: Large deviations theory and dominant pole approximation
This paper presents the exact asymptotics of the steady state behavior of a broad...
Shortest expected delay routing for Erlang servers
The queueing problem with Poisson arrivals and two identical parallel Erlang servers...
Exact analysis of asymmetric random polling systems with single buffers and correlated input process
We introduce a simple approach for modeling and analyzing asymmetric random polling...
A tandem of discrete-time queues with arrivals and departures at each stage
A discrete-time system of a tandem of queues with exogenous arrivals and departures at...
Two exact algorithms for the vehicle routing problem on trees
This article describes a heuristic and two exact algorithms for several classes of...
Diffusion approximations for re-entrant lines with a first-buffer-first-served priority discipline
The diffusion approximation is proved for a class of queueing networks, known as...
Raw material management at Welch's, Inc
Welch's, a large grape-processing company owned by a grower cooperative, faced complex...
Error bounds for asymptotic approximations of the partition function
We consider Markovian queueing models with a finite number of states and a product...
Minnesota's Nutrition Coordinating Center uses mathematical optimization to estimate food nutrient values
We developed, evaluated, and deployed computer software that uses mathematical...
Asymptotic analysis for closed multichain queueing networks with bottlenecks
We consider a two-chain exponential queueing network with a large number of customers...
On the identification of Wiener–Hopf factors
This note is concerned with the identification of the Wiener–Hopf factors of a...
Order independent loss queues
This paper presents an analysis of generalized Order Independent (OI) loss queues...
Dam processes with state dependent batch sizes and intermittent production processes with state dependent rates
We consider a dam process with a general (state dependent) release rule and a pure...
Coordinated production and inspection in a tandem system
We study the coordination of production and quality control in a tandem-queue system....
Discrete storage processes and their Poisson flow and fluid flow approximations
Consider discrete storage processes that are modulated by environmental processes....
Maximum likelihood estimation for single server queues from waiting time data
Maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters of a GI/G/1 queue are derived based...
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