Optimizing army base realignment and closure

Optimizing army base realignment and closure

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Article ID: iaor19992986
Country: United States
Volume: 28
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 1
End Page Number: 18
Publication Date: Nov 1998
Journal: Interfaces
Keywords: programming: integer

In April 1997, the United States Army announced that savings had finally overtaken costs in closing or realigning 803 of its installations worldwide. This milestone occurred in the ninth year of a 13-year program approved by Congress and Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. The cost of this program is $5.3 billion, and when complete, the army expects annual savings of $996 million in perpetuity. A mixed-integer linear program, BRACAS (base realignment and closure action scheduler), helped the army budget for the 29 closures and 11 realignments approved by Congress and President Clinton in 1995. The army used BRACAS to schedule optimally the $2 billion in BRAC costs for these 40 installations over the six-year period mandated by Congress; associated annual savings will be $360 million.


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