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Optimal placement of add/drop multiplexers: Heuristic and exact algorithms
Wolsey Laurence
We study a problem that has arisen recently in the design of telecommunications...
Exterior minimum-penalty path-following methods in semidefinite programming
Fan M.K.H.
A semidefinite programming problem is a mathematical program in which the objective...
Growth and management of mixed-species, uneven-aged forests in the French Jura: Implications for economic returns and tree diversity
Buongiorno Joseph
The forests of the Jura mountains are among the most productive in France. This study...
New linear program performance bounds for queueing networks
Kumar P.R.
We obtain new linear programs for bounding the performance and proving the stability...
Estimating economic gains for landowners due to time-dependent changes in biotechnology
Wagner John E.
This paper presents a model for examining the economic value of biotechnological...
Afforestation as a real option: Some policy implications
Thorsen Bo Jellesmark
The theory of real options is applied to the decision of establishing a new forest...
Combining a decomposition strategy with dynamic programming to solve spatially constrained forest management scheduling problems
Hoganson Howard M.
A decomposition approach to solve the forest management scheduling adjacency problem...
Spatially optimizing wildlife habitat edge effects in forest management linear and mixed-integer programs
Hof John
We present a spatial optimization model that accounts for wildlife edge effects...
Optimal public harvesting under the interdependence of public and private forests
Koskela Erkki
This article studies the design of optimal public harvesting in an economy with...
An analysis of Monte Carlo integer programming, simulated annealing, and tabu search heuristics for solving spatial harvest scheduling problems
Boston Kevin
Heuristics are commonly used to solve spatial harvest scheduling problems. They can...
How decision makers evaluate alternatives and the influence of complexity
Nutt Paul C.
The evaluation of alternatives during organizational decision making was investigated...
Manure application planner: Software for environmental and economical nutrient planning
Schmitt M.A.
Manure management recommendations and practices should be preceded by a whole-farm,...
Evaluating environmental investments: A real options approach
Cortazar Gonzalo
The paper presents a model that determines when (at which output price level) it is...
The steady-state probabilities for regenerative semi-Markov processes with application to prevention and screening
Davidov O.
There is a growing interest in planning and implementing broad-scale clinical trials...
Computer-mediated communication and majority influence: Assessing the impact in an individualistic and a collectivistic culture
Watson Richard T.
Strong majority influence can potentially harm organizational decisions by causing...
Using queueing theory to determine operating room staffing needs
Barone James E.
Background: To meet American College of Surgeons criteria, Level I and II trauma...
Methodologies for rapid and effective response to requests for quotation
Veeramani Dharmaraj
The ability to respond quickly and effectively to requests for quotation (RFQs) from...
A design methodology for fractal layout organization
Rardin Ronald L.
This paper proposes a methodology for designing job shops under the fractal layout...
Price promotions and trade deals with multiproduct retailers
Villas-Boas J. Miguel
In this paper we study retail price promotions and manufacturer trade deals in markets...
Value added analysis for army equipment modernization
Loerch Andrew G.
This paper describes the Value Added Analysis methodology which is used as part of the...
Incorporating learning curve costs in acquisition strategy optimization
Loerch Andrew G.
Each year, the US Army procures billions of dollars worth of weapons and equipment....
On optimal aiming to hit a linear target
David Israel
Typically weapon systems have an inherent systematic error and a random error for each...
System comparison procedures for automatic target recognition systems
Bauer Kenneth W.
Estimating the performance of an automatic target recognition (ATR) system in terms of...
Survival-enhancing learning in the Manhattan hotel industry, 1898–1980
Baum Joel A.C.
In this study, we examine how experience at the level of the organization, the...
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