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Found 17049 papers in total
Optimization of fed-batch bioreactors using neural network parameter function models
This paper describes a neural network based modeling scheme of parameter function...
A stochastic dynamic programming model for the management of the saiga antelope
A stochastic dynamic programming model for the optimal management of the saiga...
Investigation of density dependence in salmon spawner–egg relationships using queueing theory
A model based on queueing theory is presented to explain salmonid spawner–egg...
Stochastic stomach theory of fish: An introduction
Fish stomach dynamics is discussed and introduced analytically by a simple...
Application of dynamic programming matching to classification of budgerigar contact calls
Dynamic programming (DP) matching was applied to classification of budgerigar contact...
An optimization based heuristic for political districting
Redistricting, the redrawing of congressional district boundaries within the states,...
Dynamic programming alignment accuracy
Algorithms for generating alignments of biological sequences have inherent statistical...
Not only the tragedy of the commons: Misperceptions of bioeconomics
An exploratory search for explanations of mismanagement of renewable resources, other...
Optimizing Bernoulli routing policies for balancing loads on call centers and minimizing transmission costs
We address the problem of assigning probabilities at discrete time instants for...
Optimal production and inventory policy for multiple products under resource constraints
We show that a modified base-stock policy is optimal for multiproduct,...
Average run lengths for moving average control charts
We are interested in E[ N ], the mean time until the most recent k values of a...
New reflection generator for simulated annealing in mixed-integer/continuous global optimization
To reduce the well-known jamming problem in global optimization algorithms, we propose...
The effect of property rights and audit information quality on team incentives for inventory reduction
We analyze how limited contractibility and the informational quality of audits affect...
Two-stage approach for quantitative policy analysis using bilevel programming
Quantitative policy analysis problems with hierarchical decision-making can be...
A branch and bound algorithm for the stability number of a sparse graph
We present a branch and bound algorithm for finding a maximum stable set in a graph....
Duality without a constraint qualification for minimax fractional programming
Using a parametric approach, we establish the necessary and sufficient conditions for...
Communication and uncertainty in concurrent engineering
We present an analytical model of concurrent engineering, where an upstream and a...
Coordinating clearance markdown sales of seasonal products in retail chains
In this paper we propose a methodology to set prices of perishable items in the...
Lifted cover inequalities for 0–1 integer programs: Computation
We investigate the algorithmic and implementation issues related to the effective and...
Interaction between asset liability management and risk theory
In order to apply the asset liability management (ALM) model of Janssen to insurance...
A portfolio approach to risk reduction in discretely rebalanced option hedges
This paper analyses the accumulated hedging errors generated by discretely rebalanced...
Empirical martingale simulation for asset prices
This paper proposes a simple modification to the standard Monte Carlo simulation...
Achieving air quality standards in the European Union
This paper develops a methodology to select a least cost mix of transport policy...
Optimal growth in continuous-time with credit risk
We consider asset allocation strategies for the case where an investor can allocate...
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