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Found 17049 papers in total
Primal–dual-infeasible Newton approach for the analytic center deep-cutting plane method
The convergence and complexity of a primal–dual column generation and cutting...
Convex semi-infinite parametric programming: Uniform convergence of the optimal value functions of discretized problems
The continuity of the optimal value function of a parametric convex semi-infinite...
Revised simplex algorithm for finite Markov decision-processes
We introduce a revised simplex algorithm for solving a typical type of dynamic...
Effect of modeling uncertainty on some routing problems
In this paper, we consider the routing problem described in Mohanty and Cassandras. As...
Stopping rules for a class of sampling-based stochastic programming algorithms
Monte Carlo sampling-based algorithms hold much promise for solving stochastic...
Minimizing logistic costs in multistage supply chains
We consider the problem in which a set of products has to be shipped from a common...
Capacity improvement, penalties, and the fixed charge transportation problem
Capacity improvement and conditional penalties are two computational aids for...
On pooling in queueing networks
We view each station in a Jackson network as a queue of tasks, of a particular type,...
Counterexamples to a conjecture on bounds for the loss probability in finite-buffer queues
In this paper, we provide counterexamples to a conjecture, made by Miyazawa and Tijms,...
Visualization and optimization
This web article provides a broad survey on the use of visualization to support...
Validation in simulation: Various positions in the philosophy of science
There is still considerable doubt and even anxiety among simulation modelers as to...
Continuous global optimization: An introduction to models, solution approaches, tests and applications
First, we present a discussion of the global optimization (GO) paradigm, and the...
Control variates for probability and quantile estimation
In stochastic systems, quantiles indicate the level of system performance that can be...
Structural comparison of Data Envelopment Analysis and Multiple Objective Linear Programming
The concept of efficiency as it applies to Decision Making Units (DMUs), solutions and...
SUMT (sequential unconstrained minimization technique) (revisited)
Fiacco and McCormick's 1968 book is a classic. It arose out of the authors' activities...
Distribution estimation using Laplace transforms
We propose two related methods for deriving probability distribution estimates using...
Constrained maximum-entropy sampling
A fundamental experimental design problem is to select a most informative subset,...
An introductory tutorial on stochastic linear programming models
Linear programming is a fundamental planning tool. It is often difficult to precisely...
Strategic growth options
We provide a strategic rationale for growth options under uncertainty and imperfect...
The analysis of assumptions in model bases using metagraphs
Decision models are often based on certain assumptions as to their validity. Relevant...
The mean-semivariances approach to realistic portfolio optimization subject to transaction costs
In this paper, we present a realistic portfolio optimization problem which takes into...
Stochastic interest rates with actuarial applications
This paper presents recursive double integral equations to obtain the distribution of...
Inductive reasoning and bounded rationality
This paper proposes an approach to understanding the game theoretic and economic...
Infinite horizon production planning in time-varying systems with convex production and inventory costs
We consider the planning of production over the infinite horizon in a system with...
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