A branch and bound algorithm for the stability number of a sparse graph

A branch and bound algorithm for the stability number of a sparse graph

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Article ID: iaor2000461
Country: United States
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Start Page Number: 438
End Page Number: 447
Publication Date: Sep 1998
Journal: INFORMS Journal On Computing
Keywords: heuristics, graphs

We present a branch and bound algorithm for finding a maximum stable set in a graph. The algorithm uses properties of the stable set polytope to construct strong upper bounds. Specifically, it uses cliques, odd cycles, and a maximum matching on the remaining nodes. The cliques are generated via standard coloring heuristics, and the odd cycles are generated from blossoms found by a matching algorithm. We report computational experience on two classes of randomly generated graphs and on the DIMACS Challenge Benchmark graphs. These experiments indicate that the algorithm is quite effective, particularly for sparse graphs.


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