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Found 17049 papers in total
Nearly unstable autoregressive models with coefficient matrices in Jordan normal form
Nearly unstable multidimensional autoregressive models are studied where the...
Investment strategies for flexible resources
This article studies optimal investment in flexible manufacturing capacity as a...
Optimal-control of the M/G/1 queue with repeated vacations of the server
We consider a M/G/1 queue where the server may take repeated vacations. Whenever a...
The residual life of the renewal process: A simple algorithm
We develop a simple algorithm, which does not require convolutions, for computing the...
A note on approximating peak congestion in Mt/G/∞ queues with sinusoidal arrivals
We study the M t /G/∞ queue where customers arrive according to a sinusoidal...
Technological forecasting – model selection, model stability, and combining models
The paper identifies 29 models that the literature suggests are appropriate for...
An MC2 linear programming approach to combined forecasting
Combined forecasting is a well-known forecasting technique of handling multiple...
Effective bandwidths and performance bounds in high-speed communication systems
This paper is concerned with quality of service guarantees in an environment with...
The World Wide Web: Opportunities for operations research and management science
The World Wide Web has already affected OR/MS work in a significant way, and holds...
Toward a theory of continuous improvement and the learning curve
Continuous improvement (CI) inceasingly strives to improve the performance of...
Likelihood ratio derivative estimation for finite-time performance measures in generalized semi-Markov processes
This paper investigates the likelihood ratio method for estimating derivatives of...
Limit theory for performance modeling of future event set algorithms
In a discrete-event simulation, the information related to the events scheduled to...
On the optimal ordering policies in maintenance theory – survey and applications
In this paper, we consider a typical but somewhat generalized order-replacement model...
Optimal mailing of catalogs: A new methodology using estimable structural dynamic programming models
We investigate the key determinants of the optimal direct mail policy in a dynamic...
Quantum mechanical and human violations of compound probability principles: Toward a generalized Heisenberg uncertainty principle
A key central tenet of decision theory is that decomposing an uncertain event into...
A multiattribute utility analysis of alternatives for the disposition of surplus weapons-grade plutonium
This paper describes an application of multiattribute utility theory to support the...
Stochastic shortest path problems with piecewise-linear concave utility functions
This paper considers a stochastic shortest path problem where the arc lengths are...
Localizer: A modeling language for local search
Local search is a traditional technique to solve combinatorial search problems and has...
Neural networks for combinatorial optimization: A review of more than a decade of research
It has been over a decade since neural networks were first applied to solve...
Information theory and the finite-time behavior of the simulated annealing algorithm: Experimental results
This article presents an empirical approach that demonstrates a theoretical connection...
GRASP and path relinking for 2-layer straight line crossing minimization
In this article, we develop a greedy randomized adaptive search procedure for the...
Improvement procedures for the undirected rural postman problem
This article describes new construction and postoptimization heuristics for the...
Airline network design
The goal of this paper is to understand choices of networks and schedules by a profit...
Modeling and solving the crew rostering problem
The Crew Rostering Problem (CRP) aims at determining an optimal sequencing of a given...
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