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Found 17049 papers in total
Tree diversity, landscape diversity, and economics of maple–birch forests: Implications of Markovian models
Markov decision process (MDP) models were effective in analyzing forest management...
Optimal cutting of lumber and particle boards into dimension parts – some algorithms and solution procedures
This paper describes some algorithms and procedures that can be used for determining...
Using linear programming to optimize rehabilitation and restoration of injured land: An application to US army training sites
Rehabilitating damaged lands is often necessary to repair environmental damage from...
An efficient procedure for designing single allocation hub and spoke systems
Given the widespread use of the hub and spoke network architecture and its growing...
Total productive maintenance: Planned and autonomous maintenance; bridging the gap between practice and research
Competitive pressures and changing production management paradigms have, in recent...
Solution procedures with limited sample data for the optimal replacement problem
Recently we have developed solution procedures for the optimal replacement problem...
Multinomial logit market share models: Equilibrium characteristics and strategic implications
We specify and analyze the conditions under which the multinomial logit (MNL) market...
The effects of cross-ruff coupons on sales and profits
Cross-ruff coupons are obtained at the time of purchase of a carrier brand and may be...
Leasing and selling: Optimal marketing strategies for a durable goods firm
This paper analyzes the problems associated with marketing a durable through leases...
Managing new product definition in highly dynamic environments
In highly dynamic environments, characterized by changing customer preferences and...
Rational shopping behavior and the option value of variable pricing
When a product's price fluctuates at a store, how should rational, cost-minimizing...
Managing broader product lines through delayed differentiation using vanilla boxes
In an attempt to reduce cost while maintaining good customer service, some of the...
Industrial Assembly
A new dynamic-programming algorithm for the single item capacitated dynamic lot-size model
We develop a new dynamic programming method for the single item capacitated dynamic...
A dynamic-programming algorithm for dynamic lot-size models with piecewise-linear costs
We propose a new algorithm for dynamic lot size models (LSM) in which production and...
Lot-sizing with start-up times
Many practical applications of lot-sizing and scheduling problems involve start-up...
Leadtime–inventory trade-offs in assemble-to-order systems
This paper studies the trade-off between inventory levels and the delivery leadtime...
Probabilistic analysis and practical algorithms for the flow shop weighted completion time problem
In the flow shop weighted completion time problem, a set of jobs has to be processed...
A new fuzzy-c-means and assignment technique-based cell formation algorithm to perform part-type clusters and machine-type clusters separately
The incorporation of fuzziness in the cell formation problem by Chu and Hayya is a...
Vehicle scheduling in 2-cycle flexible manufacturing systems
Flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) have received much attention recently due to...
An acquisition policy for a single item multi-supplier system
In this paper we consider the problem of developing an acquisition policy....
Modeling and worker motivation in Just In Time production systems
This paper concerns the modeling of low inventory lines. Currently, most models assume...
Due window scheduling for parallel machines
Just-In-Time concepts are of increasing importance in today's competitive...
Optimal buffer allocation in asynchronous cyclic mixed-model assembly lines
This paper considers a problem of optimal buffer allocation in cyclic asynchronous...
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