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Found 17049 papers in total
A hybrid artificial neural network–dynamic programming approach for feeder capacitor scheduling
A hybrid artificial neural network (ANN)–dynamic programming (DP) method for...
Interfunctional conflict, conflict resolution styles, and new product success: A four-culture comparison
This paper develops a model relating innovation success to the level of...
Genetic algorithm solution to the economic-dispatch problem
Two genetic algorithm (GA) solutions to the economic dispatch problem are presented....
Strategies for survival in fast-changing industries
Technology strategy variables tend to predominate as predictors of survival in the...
Gray fuzzy dynamic-programming – application to municipal solid-waste management planning problems
This paper integrates the concepts of grey systems and fuzzy sets into optimization...
Optimal pump operations considering pump switches
A methodology for determining optimal pump operation schedules for water-distribution...
Dynamic-programming approach to the inverse Stefan design problem
This article presents a dynamic programming methodology for the solution of the...
Portfolio construction through mixed-integer programming at Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo and Company
Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo and Company LLC uses mixed-integer-programming (MIP)...
Optimization of (s, S) inventory systems with random lead times and a service level constraint
A major assumption in the analysis of ( s , S ) inventory systems with stochastic lead...
Management Science at Merrill Lynch Private Client Group
Merrill Lynch Private Client Group won the 1997 INFORMS Prize for effective use and...
On the order fill rate in multi-item, base-stock inventory system
A customer order to a multi-item inventory system typically consists of several...
Return on quality at Chase Manhattan Bank
A method called ‘return on quality (ROQ)’ has been proposed to evaluate...
Determining production schedules under base-stock policies in single facility multi-item production systems
In this paper we address periodic base-stock policies for stochastic economic lot...
Dynamic asset allocation in a mean-variance framework
The aim of this article is to analyze the portfolio strategies that are mean-variance...
A capacitated production-inventory model with periodic demand
For a single product, single-stage capacitated production-inventory model with...
Hierarchical Bayes methods for multifactor model estimation and portfolio selection
The factor model is an important construct for both portfolio managers and researchers...
How larger demand variability may lead to lower costs in the newsvendor problem
In this paper we consider the Newsvendor Problem. Intuition may lead to the hypothesis...
The role of earnings information in corporate dividend decisions
This paper examines the role of earnings information in the determination of...
Decentralized multiechelon inventory control
This paper considers a model for decentralized control of an inventory system...
Use of OR systems in the Chilean forest industries
The Chilean forestry sector is composed of private firms that combine large...
Long-term forest ecosystem planning at Pacific Lumber
In 1995, the Pacific Lumber Company contracted with VESTRA Resources to develop a...
On some aspects of the decision to conserve or harvest old growth forest
In recent times, a great deal of concern has been expressed about the decline in the...
Echelon reorder points, installation reorder points, and the value of centralized demand information
We consider a serial inventory system with N stages. The material flows from an...
Effects of integrating order/backorder quantity and pricing decisions
We consider a monopolistic situation where the retailer aims to find the...
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