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Found 17049 papers in total
Marketing Decisions under Uncertainty
Antipredator behavior and the asset-protection principle
Many species of animals face the continual problem of balancing the trade-off between...
The value of a hoard – not just energy
We present a stochastic dynamic programming model of the contribution of stored food...
A model recognition approach to the prediction of a all-helical membrane-protein structure and topology
This paper describes a new method for the prediction of the secondary structure and...
An algorithm for identifying regions of a DNA sequence that satisfy a content requirement
We present a dynamic progamming algorithm for identifying regions of a DNA sequence...
On global sequence alignment
We present a dynamic programming algorithm for computing a best global alignment of...
Dynamic-models of mass-dependent predation, risk-sensitive foraging, and premigratory fattening in birds
The effect of mass-dependent predation on risk-sensitive foraging choices of small...
Avian daily foraging patterns – effects of digestive constraints and variability
Birds show a typical daily pattern of heavy morning and secondary afternoon feeding....
Evaluating income streams: A decision analysis approach
Most important decision problems – virtually all capital investments and...
Logit demand estimation under competitive pricing behavior: An equilibrium framework
Discrete choice models of demand have typically been estimated assuming that prices...
Dispatch of capacitors on distribution-system using dynamic-programming
This dispatch of capacitors on a distribution feeder in daily system operation is...
Probabilistic analyses and algorithms for three-level distribution systems
We consider the problem of integrating inventory control and vehicle routing into a...
Integrated planning for school and community: The case of Johnston County, North Carolina
OR/Ed Laboratories and the Johnston County schools created a planning system,...
Delivering Voice over IP Networks
Capacity expansion and equipment replacement: A unified approach
Business frequently have to decide which of their existing equipment to replace,...
Dynamic-programming and optimal inventory processes
The aims of this paper are to give analytical and computational studies of optimal...
Summers Rubber Company designs its data warehouse
Businesses use data warehouses to provide the vast amount of information users need....
Information technology and organization design: Locating decisions and information
We study the impact of information technology (IT) on the profitability of individual...
Short-term operation and power exchange planning of hydrothermal power-systems
This paper considers a unified problem of short-term operation planning and power...
Optimization-based inter-utility power purchases
Power transactions are important activities among electric utility companies....
Process innovation and learning by doing in semiconductor manufacturing
This paper analyzes the relationship between process innovation and learning by doing...
Optimization-based scheduling of hydrothermal power-systems with pumped-storage units
This paper presents an optimization-based method for scheduling hydrothermal systems...
The effects of R&D team co-location on communication patterns among R&D, marketing, and manufacturing
Reducing the physical distance among R&D engineers and between R&D and...
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