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Found 17049 papers in total
Information asymmetry and municipal revenue bonds
This paper provides theoretical arguments for the existence of, and measurement of,...
Value of information in capacitated supply chains
We incorporate information flow between a supplier and a retailer in a two-echelon...
Process improvement, quality, and learning effects
While quality has attracted significant attention in the past two decades, the debate...
Knowledge driven quality improvement
Little is known about the processes that make TQM effective. Why are some quality...
Individual equilibrium and learning in processor sharing systems
We consider a processor-sharing service system, where the service rate to individual...
Insights on service system design from a normal approximation to Erlang's delay formula
We show how a simple normal approximation to Erlang's delay formula can be used to...
Research, development, and engineering metrics
We seek to understand how the use of Research, Development, and Engineering...
Intelligent scheduling with tabu search – an application to jobs with linear delay penalties and sequence-dependent setup costs and times
In this article we study the tabu search (TS) method in an application for solving an...
Single-machine scheduling with flow time and earliness penalties
This paper considers the problem of scheduling n jobs on a single machine to minimize...
Solving parallel machine scheduling problems by column generation
We consider a class of problems of scheduling n jobs on m identical, uniform, or...
Financial data and the skewed generalized t distribution
This paper develops a skewed extension of the generalized t (GT) distribution,...
Satisfying due dates in large job shops
For the multi-machine job shop scheduling problem, a conceptually simple...
ACLIPS: A capacity and lead time integrated procedure for scheduling
We propose a general hierarchical procedure to address real-life job shop scheduling...
Self-similar processes in collective risk theory
Collective risk theory is concerned with random fluctuations of the total assets and...
Knapsack-like scheduling problems, the Moore–Hodgson algorithm and the tower of sets property
Suppose there are n jobs, each with a specified processing time, release date, due...
Analysis of stochastic assembly with general independent distributed assembly time
In this article, we study an assembly system that supplies an end-product inventory....
Production scheduling of continuous flow lines: Multiple products with setup times and costs
The problem of production planning and setup scheduling of multiple products on a...
The impact of simple priority rule combinations on delivery speed and delivery reliability in a hybrid shop
This study examines the effects of using different priority rules at different stages...
Incentive-compatible pricing for a service facility with joint production and congestion externalities
This paper considers the pricing problem of a service facility when services are...
Incentive effects favor nonconsolidating queues in a service system: The principal–agent perspective
In this paper, we study a service network in which an agency is responsible for...
Theories and realities of quantity discounts: An exploratory study
This paper compares and contrasts the current state of the art in the theory of...
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