Dispatch of capacitors on distribution-system using dynamic-programming

Dispatch of capacitors on distribution-system using dynamic-programming

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Article ID: iaor2000628
Country: United States
Volume: 140
Issue: 6
Start Page Number: 433
End Page Number: 438
Publication Date: Nov 1993
Journal: IEE Proceedings: C (General Transmission and Distribution)
Authors: ,
Keywords: programming: dynamic

This dispatch of capacitors on a distribution feeder in daily system operation is investigated. The objective is to reach an optimal capacitor dispatching schedule, based on the forecast hourly loads for the next day, such that the total feeder loss in a day is minimised. The constraints that must be taken into account include the maximum allowable number of switching operations in a day for each capacitor, and the voltage limits on the feeder. An approach based on dynamic programming is presented to reach such an optimal schedule. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the dispatch of capacitors on a distribution feeder within the service area of Taipei West District Office of Taiwan Power Company is investigated. It is concluded that a greater loss reduction can be achieved by the optimal capacitor dispatch than by the fixed-schedule dispatch.


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