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Found 17049 papers in total
Managing public resources: Budget execution
Much of the budgeting literature has focused on the questions of ‘how’...
When citizen expectations conflict with budgetary reality: Discontinuity between the public's demand for services and its willingness to pay taxes
The tension between demand for services and willingness to pay for those services,...
A punctuated-equilibrium model of technology diffusion
We present an evolutionary model of technology diffusion in which an old and a new...
Inventory of damagable items with variable replenishment rate, stock-dependent demand and some units in hand
Items made of glass, ceramics, etc., break/get damaged during the storage due to the...
Data envelopment analysis and its use in banking
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) is a linear-programming-based method for assessing the...
A stochastic inventory model with perishable and ageing items
In this paper, we propose a single-product, discrete time inventory model for...
The classical average-cost inventory models of Iglehart and Veinott–Wagner revisited
This paper revisits the classical papers of Iglehart and Veinott and Wagner devoted to...
Optimality of state-dependent (s,S) policies in inventory models with Markov-modulated demand and lost sales
Markov-modulated processes have been used in stochastic inventory models with setup...
Centralization of stocks: Retailers vs. manufacturer
A well-known result in inventory theory is that physical centralization of stocks in a...
A stochastic differential game of institutional investor speculation
Corporate equities have become increasingly concentrated in the hands of institutional...
On the effects of downstream entry
We study the effects of entry in a downstream market where firms (e.g., Compaq and...
A review of statistical techniques in measuring efficiency
In the world of corporate downsizing and government cutbacks, the ability to measure...
Benchmarks of the efficiency of bank branches
The Bank of Cyprus commissioned a study of the efficiency penalties paid by its...
New firm survival: Institutional explanations for new franchisor mortality
Why do some new firms succeed and others fail? Economists argue that new firms fail...
Are tradeoffs inherent in diversification moves? A simultaneous model for type of diversification and mode of expansion decisions
Drawing on the premise that the diversification decisions are driven by antecedent...
Setting single-period optimal capacity levels and prices for substitutable products
In this paper, we consider how a company that has the flexibility to produce two...
A simulation study of an object-oriented integration testbed for process planning and production scheduling
Many studies on integration of process planning and production scheduling have been...
A cascading auction protocol as a framework for integrating process planning and heterarchical shop floor control
A new contract net-style auction protocol is proposed as a framework for integrating...
Analogy-based multiple process planning system with resource conflicts
Computer-aided process planning is becoming a widely prevalent technology in modern...
Location and geometric description of carpal bones in CT images
The carpal regions of ten cadaver extremities were imaged by computerised tomography...
Long-run abstinence after narcotics abuse: What are the odds?
We consider the long-run odds that narcotics users remain abstinent after methadone...
Order review/release in the absence of adherence to formal scheduling policies
In many plants, the performance of shop floor workers is measured by accounting-based...
Processes with nearly-sequential routings: a comparative analysis
Recent advances in automated technology have made it possible to incorporate many of...
An overview of tradeoff curves in manufacturing systems design
In this paper we review the use of tradeoff curves in the design of manufacturing...
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