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Found 17049 papers in total
Economic design of a two-stage control chart based on both performance and surrogate variables
The traditional approach to economic design of control charts is based on the...
The power of the (&xmacr;, s) control chart based on the log-likelihood ratio statistic
Recently, Kanagawa et al. have proposed a new control chart, based on the estimator of...
Asymptotic analysis of linear feedback Nash equilibria in nonzero-sum linear–quadratic differential games
In this paper, we discuss nonzero-sum linear–quadratic differential games. For...
Pareto-optimal security strategies as minimax strategies of a standard matrix game
We prove that, in a multicriteria matrix game, a strategy is a Pareto-optimal security...
Attainable results in committee elections
The committee election problem is to choose from a finite set S of candidates a...
Identifying opportunities for improving Teradyne's service-parts logistics system
Teradyne is a major manufacturer of electronic testing equipment used in semiconductor...
Stalking Information: Bayesian inventory management with unobserved lost sales
Retailers are frequently uncertain about the underlying demand distribution of a new...
Decentralized multi-echelon supply chains: Incentives and information
Consider a supply chain in which a product must pass through multiple sites located in...
Modeling emergency supply flexibility in a two-echelon inventory system
We consider a two-echelon inventory system for service parts. To obtain high service...
Time-partitioning heuristics: Application to one warehouse, multiitem, Multiretailer lot-sizing problems
We describe effective time partitioning heuristics for dynamic lot-sizing problems in...
Lateral stock transshipments in a two-location inventory system with fixed and joint replenishment costs
We address the problem of inventory management in a two-location inventory system, in...
Product commonality in multiple-period, make-to-stock systems
It is well known that replacing several products by a single common product can reduce...
Inventory control in hybrid systems with remanufacturing
This paper is on production planning and inventory control in systems where...
Optimal ordering decisions with uncertain cost and demand forecast updating
We determine the optimal ordering policy for a retailer who has two instants to order...
Expected time delay in multi-item inventory systems with correlated demands
This paper considers multi-item inventory systems where a customer order may require...
A comparison of inventory replenishment heuristics for minimizing maximum storage
Consider the problem of minimizing the maximum storage requirement resulting from the...
Practical Genetic Algorithms
Neighborhood turnpike theorem for continuous-time optimization models
A neighborhood turnpike theorem is proved for continuous-time, infinite-horizon...
Interior-point methods with decomposition for solving large-scale linear programs
This paper deals with an algorithm incorporating the interior-point method into the...
Convergent cutting-plane and partial-sampling algorithm for multistage stochastic linear programs with recourse
We propose an algorithm for multistage stochastic linear programs with recourse where...
Developments in central government budgeting in Botswana
Botswana's budgeting system has historically grown from the position of dependence on...
The hidden process of budgeting: Execution
Despite great attention paid to budget execution in the last decades by practitioners,...
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