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Found 17049 papers in total
Lifted cover inequalities for 0–1 integer programs: Complexity
We investigate several complexity issues related to branch-and-cut algorithms for...
Time-optimal control by iterative dynamic-programming
Although it is possible to have singular subarcs in time-optimal control, in most of...
Hierarchical controls in stochastic manufacturing systems with convex costs
This paper presents an extension of earlier research on hierarchical control of...
Demand management: The evaluation of price and due date negotiation strategies using simulation
The research considers the problem of demand management in a firm where the firm's...
Performance comparison of some classes of flexible flow shops and job shops
Flexible manufacturing systems for two-stage production may possess a variety of...
Pricing patterns of cellular phones and phonecalls: A segment-level analysis
One expectation of the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) in the early stages...
The Wisconsin Division of Narcotics Enforcement uses multi-agent information systems to investigate drug crimes
We built a multi-agent information system called Sherpa using distributed artificial...
Design of communication networks with survivability constraints
The rapid growth of telecommunication capacity, driven in part by the wide-ranging...
Influencing a supplier using delivery windows: Its effect on the variance of flow time and on-time delivery
A critical outcome that buyers seek is the timely delivery of the products they...
Finding optimal material release times using simulation-based optimization
We present a method for setting release times for jobs with due dates in a stochastic...
A practical scheduling method for multiclass production systems with setups
Consider a multiclass production system where many job classes share a single server...
Dynamic routing and operation controls in workflow management sysems
Businesses around the work are paying more attention to process management and process...
Lotsizing and scheduling on parallel machines with sequence-dependent setup costs
Industrial lotsizing and scheduling pose very difficult analytical problems. We...
Optimal lead time policies
This paper examines two due-date setting problems first studied by Wein. The first...
A comparison of heuristic algorithms for flow shop scheduling problems with setup times and limited batch size
In this paper, we propose different heuristic algorithms for flow shop scheduling...
Improving service by informing customers about anticipated delays
This paper investigates the effect upon performance in a service system, such as a...
An efficient heuristic procedure for practical-sized capacitated warehouse design and management
The purpose of this paper is to refine and test a distribution system design model and...
Determinates of irregularities reported by audits of a federal loan program
The study examines audit reports of a federal loan program which has a high incidence...
Can continuation of GSE status for the farm credit system be justified?
This article reviews the development and future of the Farm Credit System (FCS) as a...
Implications of the privatization of Sallie Mae
In 1997, Congress enacted legislation to transition the Student Loan Marketing...
Estimating and managing the federal subsidy of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Is either task possible?
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac receive explicit and implicit off-budget subsidies from the...
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as investor-owned public utilities
There are striking similarities between publicly-held government-sponsored enterprises...
Supercharging Supply Chains
Accountability of government sponsored enterprises
Government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) are federally chartered, privately owned...
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