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The effect of variability in the food supply on the daily singing routines of European robins: A test of a stochastic dynamic programming model
Thomas Robert J.
A stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) model offers a general explanation of daily...
Optimizing a ring-based private line telecommunication network using tabu search
Glover Fred
One of the private line network design problems in the telecommunications industry is...
The value of Internet commerce to the customer
Keeney Ralph L.
Internet commerce has the potential to offer customers a better deal compared to...
The network redesign problem for access telecommunications networks
Luss Hanan
The network redesign problem attempts to design an optimal network that serves both...
Computing call admission capacities in linear networks
Coffman E.G.
We study call admission rates in a linear communication network with each call...
Improving access to science and math education in Western Pennsylvania
Srinivasan Ashok
Seven out of every 10 American jobs are expected to be related to technologies using...
Anticipating the consequences of school reform: A new use of data envelopment analysis
Grosskopf Shawna
We use DEA-type linear programming techniques to simulate a basic component of...
Planning electric power systems under demand uncertainty with different technology lead times
Gardner Douglas T.
Demand uncertainty is a key concern of electric utility planners. While the greater...
Measuring the effectiveness of overlapping development activities
Terwiesch Christian
Overlapping development activities is widely used to reduce project completion times...
Location analysis helps manage solid waste in Central Portugal
Antunes Antnio P.
By the beginning of the 1990s, the Portuguese Centro Region was suffering from...
Evaluating financial risk in the Medicare Prospective Payment System
Dada Maqbool
The Medicare Prospective Payment System (PPS) is analogous to an insurance scheme in...
The realities of becoming a long-term supplier to a large total quality management customer
Mangiameli Paul M.
In late 1993, the range appliance division of Whirlpool Corporation adopted...
Component sharing in the management of product variety: A study of automotive braking systems
Fisher Marshall L.
Product variety in many industries has increased steadily throughout this century....
Evolutionary patterns of flexible automation and performance: A longitudinal study
Boyer Kenneth K.
This study presents a longitudinal analysis of patterns of investment in advanced...
Lagrangian relaxation approach to the targeting problem
Park Sungsoo
In this paper, we consider a new weapon–target allocation problem with the...
Value-focused thinking in a difficult context: Planning tourism for Guimaras, Philippines
McDaniels Timothy
We used value-focused thinking as a framework for planning tourism in Guimaras,...
Global state space approach for the efficient numerical solution of state-constrained trajectory optimization problems
Chudej K.
A new approach based on a global state space form is introduced for solving trajectory...
A ‘parallel approach’ path to estimating collision risk during simultaneous landings
Barnett Arnold
Airport capacity could increase if, even during inclement weather, independent...
Batch construction heuristics and storage assignment strategies for walk/ride and pick systems
Jacobs F. Robert
The retrieval of items from storage is a chore faced by virtually every business...
Venture capitalists' assessment of new venture survival
Shepherd Dean A.
This study investigates whether VCs' assessment policies of new venture survival are...
Sequential estimation of the guarantee times for systems of several exponential components
Carpenter D. Mark
The minimum guaranteed lifetimes of series and parallel systems of components are the...
The efficient shape of a skyscraper based on the vertical traffic
Li M.Z.
Elevators are indispensable for the vertical traffic in the skyscraper, and the space...
Real options and product life cycles
Bollen Nicolas P.B.
In this paper, I develop an option valuation framework that explicitly incorporates a...
System availability in a gamma alternating renewal process
Pham-Gia T.
We measure the effectiveness of a repairable system by the proportion of time the...
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