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Found 17049 papers in total
An economic selective assembly procedure for two mating components with equal variance
An economic procedure of selective assembly is proposed when a product is composed of...
Optimal repair of a series system with fixed repair times
Consider a system consisting of n components in series, subject to failures, with one...
Bathtub functions and burn-in
Components which have bathtub shapes are reasonable candidates for burn-in in the...
Dynamic R&D investment policies
This paper examines dynamic R&D investment policies and the valuation of R&D...
Project Risk Management
Measures of perceived risk
Based on our previous work on the standard measure of risk, this paper presents two...
Broadly decreasing risk aversion
This paper considers decision-making in the presence of two additive risk sources,...
Modeling and analysis of vessel casualties resulting from tanker traffic through narrow waterways
In this paper, we present a physics-based stochastic model to investigate vessel...
Limit theorems for discrete-time Markov chains on the nonnegative integers conditioned on recurrence to zero
We consider a discrete-time Markov chain X on the state space ℕ ≡ {0, 1,...
Second-order optimality conditions in multiobjective optimization problems
In this paper, we develop second-order necessary and sufficient optimality conditions...
On the monotonicity of the compromise set in multicriteria problems
This paper discusses the extension of results on monotonicity of the compromise set...
First-order optimality conditions in generalized semi-infinite programming
In this paper, we consider a generalized semi-infinite optimization problem where the...
A data envelopment analysis of the operational efficiency of bank branches
We performed a multiperiod data envelopment analysis (DEA) study of the efficiences of...
Measuring efficiency by product group: Integrating data envelopment analysis with activity-based accounting in a large Mideast bank
We built a method for measuring product-specific inefficiency in bank branches to...
Measures of effectiveness for governmental organizations
For organizations whose objective is not necessarily the maximization of a financial...
Casey's problem: Interpreting and evaluating a new test
Casey, the newborn daughter of one of the authors of this paper, received a positive...
A queueing system with queue length dependent service times, with applications to cell discarding in ATM networks
A queueing system (M/G 1 , G 2 /1/K) is considered in which the service time of a...
An Mx/GI/1/N queue with close-down and vacation times
An M x /GI/1/ N finite capacity queue with close-down time, vacation time and...
Heavy traffic approximations for a system of infinite servers with load balancing
We consider an exponential queueing system with multiple stations, each of which has...
Bias optimality in a queue with admission control
We consider a finite capacity queueing system in which each arriving customer offers a...
Causal linkages in supply chain management: An exploratory study of North American manufacturing firms
In this paper we investigate the key causal linkages in supply chain management. We...
Modelling supply chain dynamics: A multiagent approach
A global economy and increase in customer expectations in terms of cost and services...
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