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Found 17049 papers in total
Scheduling maintenance and semiresumable jobs on a single machine
The majority of scheduling literature assumes that the machines are available at all...
Expected waiting time rankings in extended machine-repair models
The present paper studies the relative magnitudes of expected waiting times in...
The effects of human resource management systems on economic performance: An international comparison of US and Japanese plants
This study uses personally collected data from 41 steel production lines to assess the...
Variety seeking, purchase timing, and the ‘lightning bolt’ brand choice model
The ‘lightning bolt’ (LB) model provides a comprehensive framework for...
Investigating dynamic multifirm market interactions in price and advertising
Diagnosing the nature and magnitude of competitive interactions among firms is...
Dynamic pricing for network service: Equilibrium and stability
Consider a data communication network owned and operated by a single organization. The...
Fast approximation methods for sales force deployment
Sales force deployment involves the simultaneous resolution of four interrelated...
Endogeneity in brand choice models
Applications of random utility models to scanner data have been widely presented in...
Solving semi-Markov decision problems using average reward reinforcement learning
A large class of problems of sequential decision making under uncertainty, of which...
Tools for inventing organizations: Toward a handbook of organizational processes
This paper describes a novel theoretical and empirical approach to tasks such as...
The impact of product variety on automobile assembly operations: Empirical evidence and simulation analysis
This study examines the impact of product variety on automobile assembly plant...
Performance evaluation of general and company specific models in software development effort estimation
In this paper we present the results of our effort estimation analysis of a European...
The quantity flexibility contract and supplier–customer incentives
Consider a supply chain consisting of two independent agents, a supplier (e.g., a...
Optimality of the symmetric workload allocation in a single-server flow line system
This paper provides a proof of the symmetrical allocation property (SAP), conjectured...
The Selection Allocation Problem
The Selection Allocation Problem (SAP) is a single period decision problem which...
More on using forced idle time to improve performance in polling models
A recent interesting paper by Cooper et al. shows how for some cyclic production...
Worst-case performance of approximation algorithms for tool management problems
Since the introduction of flexible manufacturing systems, researchers have...
Inventory reduction and productivity growth: Linkages in the Japanese automotive industry
The literature on JIT production suggests a causal link between work-in-process...
Resource allocation capabilities of commercial project management software packages
This study concerns the quality of seven commercial project management software...
Efficient design and sensitivity analysis of control charts using Monte Carlo simulation
The design of control charts in statistical quality control addresses the optimal...
The ‘signature’ of a coherent system and its application to comparisons among systems
Various methods and criteria for comparing coherent systems are discussed. Theoretical...
The effect of process adjustment error on &Xmacr; chart design
The existing literature on economic design of &Xmacr; process control charts generally...
Measures of component importance for Markov chain imbeddable reliability structures
In this article we study the reliability importance of the components for the wide...
Designing a degradation experiment
Degradation experiments are widely used to assess the reliability of highly reliable...
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