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Found 17049 papers in total
Allocating fibers in cable manufacturing
We study the problem of allocating stocked fibers to made-to-order cables with the...
Capacity optimization planning system (CAPS)
IBM's capacity optimization planning system (CAPS) is a decision-support system based...
Tree data structures for N-body simulation
In this paper, we study data structures for use in N -body simulation. We concentrate...
Optimal control of a ship for collision avoidance maneuvers
We consider a ship subject to kinematic, dynamic, and moment equations and steered via...
Project scheduling under partially renewable resource constraints
We consider a generalization of the classical resource constrained project scheduling...
Cross-utilization of workers whose capabilities differ
This paper develops a model for allocating cross-trained workers at the beginning of a...
Remarks on: ‘Some extensions of the discrete lotsizing and scheduling problem’
Computational complexity results provide guideposts toward fruitful directions in...
Scheduling customer arrivals to a stochastic service system
An efficient algorithm for determining the optimal arrival schedule for customers in a...
A multiple-shift workforce scheduling model under annualized hours
Many manufacturing and service organizations in Europe have used annualized hours,...
A heuristic approach to bicriteria scheduling
We consider the problem of sequencing jobs on a single machine while minimizing a...
Minimizing makespan in a multimode multiprocessor shop scheduling problem
We study the problem of multimode scheduling tasks on dedicated processors, with the...
Heuristic procedures for scheduling job families with setups and due dates
This paper examines heuristic solution procedures for scheduling jobs on a single...
An algorithm for inverse minimm spanning tree problem
In this paper we consider an inverse minimum spanning tree problem in which we wish to...
A process scheduling problem arising from chemical production planning
In this paper we investigate scheduling problems which stem from real-world...
Algorithms for the simple equal flow problem
The minimum cost flow problem is to determine a least cost shipment of a commodity...
A game related to the number of hides game
In this paper, we study a discrete search game on an array of N ordered cells, with...
Predicting queueing delays
This paper investigates the possibility of predicting each customer's waiting time in...
Stochastic comparison algorithm for discrete optimization with estimation of time-varying objective functions
In this paper, the optimization of time-varying objective functions, known only...
Capacity allocation using past sales: When to turn-and-earn
Consider a supplier selling to multiple retailers. Demand varies across periods, but...
Managing supply chain demand variability with scheduled ordering policies
This paper studies supply chain demand variability in a model with one supplier and N...
Flexible and risk-sharing supply contracts under price uncertainty
We study supply contracts for deterministic demand but in an environment of uncertain...
On semi-active timetabling in resource-constrained project scheduling
The purpose of this note is to demonstrate that the branch-and-bound algorithm...
Two tests of a stochastic dynamic programming model of daily singing routines in birds
Many hypotheses have been put forward to account for the dawn chorus in birds. Few of...
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