Scheduling customer arrivals to a stochastic service system

Scheduling customer arrivals to a stochastic service system

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Article ID: iaor20002089
Country: United States
Volume: 46
Issue: 5
Start Page Number: 549
End Page Number: 559
Publication Date: Aug 1999
Journal: Naval Research Logistics
Authors: , ,
Keywords: queues: applications

An efficient algorithm for determining the optimal arrival schedule for customers in a stochastic service system is developed. All customers arrive exactly when scheduled, and service times are modeled as independent identically distributed Erlang random variables. Costs are incurred at a fixed rate per unit of time each customer waits for service, and an additional cost is incurred for every unit of time the server operates beyond a scheduled closing time. The objective is to minimize total operating cost. This type of problem arises in many operational contexts including transportation, manufacturing, and appointment-based services.


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