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Found 17049 papers in total
Bounds for fluid models driven by semi-Markov inputs
In this paper we consider an infinite buffer fluid model whose input is driven by...
Geometric-form bounds for the GI(x)/M/1 queueing system
The GI/M/1 queueing system was long ago studied by considering the embedded...
A heuristic algorithm for project scheduling with splitting allowed
In this article, we analyze the precedence diagramming method, the only published...
On M/M/1 queues with a smart machine
This paper discusses a class of M/M/1 queueing models in which the service time of a...
Dam processes with state dependent batch sizes and intermittent production processes with state dependent rates
We consider a dam process with a general (state dependent) release rule and a pure...
Coordinated production and inspection in a tandem system
We study the coordination of production and quality control in a tandem-queue system....
Scheduling in a multi-class series of queues with deterministic service times
We consider a problem of scheduling a multi-class network of single-server queues in...
Improving quality via matching: A case study integrating supplier and manufacturer quality performance
The relentless pursuit of increased product quality via continuous improvement is an...
Discrete storage processes and their Poisson flow and fluid flow approximations
Consider discrete storage processes that are modulated by environmental processes....
Minimizing some cost functions related to both burn-in and field use
Burn-in procedure is used to improve the quality of products. In field operation only...
Effective bandwidths for Markov regenerative sources
In this paper we consider the multiplexing of independent stochastic fluid sources...
Maximum likelihood estimation for single server queues from waiting time data
Maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters of a GI/G/1 queue are derived based...
End-user modeling improves R&D management at AgrEvo Canada, Inc
The manager of strategic-project planning used spreadsheet modeling and optimization...
A nonparametric approach for selecting the most reliable population
In this paper, we present a nonparametric method for selecting the most reliable...
A dialogue process for choosing value-creating strategies
A decision process has proven effective in three activities that are key to value...
A multiclass network with non-linear, non-convex, non-monotonic stability conditions
We consider a stochastic queueing network with fixed routes and class priorities. The...
Structure-reversibility and departure functions of queueing networks with batch movements and state dependent routing
We consider characterizations of departure functions in Markovian queueing networks...
Delay monents ofr FIFO GI/G/s queues
For stable FIFO GI/G/ s queues, s ⩾ 2, we show that finite ( k + 1)st moment...
Feature selection for financial credit-risk evaluation decisions
Credit-risk evaluation decisions are important for the financial institutions involved...
The PH/PH/1 queue at epochs of queue size change
The PH / PH /1 queue is considered at embedded epochs which form the union of arrival...
Sensitivity analysis of insurance risk models via simulation
We show how, from a single simulation run, to estimate the run probabilities and their...
Transient laws of non-stationary queueing systems and their applications
In this paper we consider the general class of non-stationary queueing models and...
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